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    Post count: 83

    How difficult would this be? Simple recompile or massive code tweaks? 😕

    Avatar photostaley
    Post count: 83

    Hey Andrea,
    Would there be anyway to leverage Microsoft technology built into XP/Vista/7, to support the preview of PDFs, since I got my machine to preview them. (Though I admit I still am envious of my Mac at work’s PDF preview quality compared to my Windows based PC) 🙄

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    Post count: 83

    "inf2know" wrote: TERABYTES of data….

    Wow… and I thought my hard drive had a lot of documents.

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    Post count: 83

    Grrr… Tabbles got "keygened"… this is what makes me the maddest… 👿 since this ends up moving a company one step closer to an internet/phone based activation system. (Which i hate, since it only really in the end punishes the legal users… the crooks will always find a way back in if they want to badly enough…) 😐

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    Post count: 83

    Great this will be a great help! Since I am a web developer and already live in my browser. (Cramp at times but what’s a guy to do? lol jk jk)

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    Post count: 83

    What was the need for the new key licensing system overhaul?

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    Post count: 83

    PortableApps platform may be of service also, since it I believe is an open platform for USB Edition apps.

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    Post count: 83
    in reply to: Windows 7 ??? #1292

    Wait… don’t let Microsoft hear you say that… (Vista 1.1), Windows 7 is a "completely" different OS, much more stable and no where near Vista… (Well MS’s marketing team would like people to think that… after they finally fixed Vista and are reselling "Vista" to all of their paying beta users. (Sorry if this sounds mean, it really is suppose to be in fun… which btw, has everyone seen the latest three Apple PC/Mac commercials… I love the "broken promises" one, though I am so far very happy with Windows 7 for the most part. 😀

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    Post count: 83

    Is that due to the fact that Windows 7 has the .Net framework installed by default, compared with XP users having to install it as an additional part…

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    Post count: 83

    This is kind of cool. I haven’t seen something like this exactly in other forums. There are "thanks" tracking and such… so it might be similar. (Hint if I am able to assist you in anyway… increasing my karma is much appreciated.)

    Avatar photostaley
    Post count: 83
    in reply to: Windows 7 ??? #1286

    I have Windows 7 Professional (64-bit), what exactly is this feature? Any idea how to use it? I would be happy to test it with the latest version of Tabbles and give feedback.

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    Post count: 83

    The one thing that would be extra nice to pull this off using open source or in-house designed technologies. As technologies such as U3 are nice, but are heavily reliant on their vendors still supporting them in the future. 😕

    Avatar photostaley
    Post count: 83

    Does tabbles support this, it would make sense if it did. But I can see the programming issues with implementing it.

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    Post count: 83

    Entry in the explorer menu? What do you mean by an "Entry"? ❓

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    Post count: 83
    in reply to: Make it portable #956

    Yeah portability would be very welcomed.

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