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  • Avatar photoTheeDragon
    Post count: 48

    Just wanted to acknowledge here in public forum that Maurizio provided additional help to me via email….. Ie great personal service.


    Ps. Problem resolved

    Avatar photoTheeDragon
    Post count: 48
    in reply to: I am confused #10929

    while doing some more examination – discovered the following

    first annoyance

    but then

    and finally

    Avatar photoTheeDragon
    Post count: 48
    in reply to: Delete Tabbles #10921

    yes – you DID understand my question
    I did NOT know I could click on the little bubble (icon)
    I thought I had to DRILL DOWN –
    see image

    THANKS !

    tip for delete tabble

    Avatar photoTheeDragon
    Post count: 48
    in reply to: I am confused #10914

    hmm . . . not really =
    I did understand the nested tabbles files should NOT get the tabble from higher level
    please look at my images
    WHY is the TOP option showing the HIGH level TABBLE and not just the other possible tabbles that the subject files might also have

    I did ANOTHER test
    and you can see (when files now have 3 tables – ONE of the top choices is NOT the TOP level – but a lower one – ie NOT consistent
    (all it does it make the user drill down through the upper level bubble to get to appropriate choices ??

    Avatar photoTheeDragon
    Post count: 48

    you explained how it works / ty
    and I agree it SHOULD work that way
    so, just in case I got the embedded error
    ie in your example my 1920 tag ALSO had the VIDEO Tabble as well
    so , , ,
    I deleted ALL tables and made some test tables (with Subs)
    IN case the database got confused with my few months of re-org
    ALL seemed OK except ONE – it got the HIGH level table (eg VIDEO)
    auto added – not sure why
    anyway – all now seems as you suggested

    Avatar photoTheeDragon
    Post count: 48
    in reply to: I am confused #10907

    less confused – convinced Tabbles needs some LOGIC tweaking
    eg from the enclosed images
    first – i deleted ALL tabbles and started over – very controlled process
    so I can analyze and test some theories

    it seems (IMHO) that when I click on a table on the left column
    I should get ONLY Tabble option on the TOP of the Right Column that MATCHES other possible Tabble (not the UPPER PARENT in nested folders)

    again – IMHO
    unless the authors can explain (teach me) the wisdom of this approach

    still loving the program – but want to maximize usage

    thanks !

    Avatar photoTheeDragon
    Post count: 48

    no – i restarted the PC several times = had no effect
    I then disabled Tabbles from the startup menu
    let it off for a few days
    then I DL the new version of Tabbles
    and then ran Tabbles with the .exe
    seemed to work ok (ie not resyncing OneDrive over and over)
    then re-enabled Tabbles in the startup menu
    seems to be working ok now for several days
    I am sure it had something to do with the system getting confused with Tabbles tags on/off and OneDrive Sync Logic

    Avatar photoTheeDragon
    Post count: 48

    per my earlier post
    I have 14gb of files
    and it kept resyncing about 1.1 gb
    I turned if tabbles
    resyncing problems stopped

    I restarted with v3.047 and problems gone

    Avatar photoTheeDragon
    Post count: 48

    yes – I am the one that asked for that option (to STOP tagging office files)
    as your editing the file tags changed all my last modified settings
    and broke all my arching schema


    Avatar photoTheeDragon
    Post count: 48

    – now that I was getting ‘hooked’ again using tabble
    it was (is) painful not to have it
    but can not have it running with the sync issues with OneDrive

    let me know if you want any ‘field’ testing

    Avatar photoTheeDragon
    Post count: 48

    did 3.0.47 already
    explorer reset issues not seen today
    will watch and report back in a few days

    fixed the 35% cpu issue
    per google search
    found windows indexer issues with xml files
    edited that and now seems better

    Avatar photoTheeDragon
    Post count: 48

    oops . . .
    forgot to say – that ofen (these past few weeks)
    folders will not upate
    eg and new folder – it will not appear
    until I refresh view
    or if I drag a file – same thing
    need to refresh view –

    not know if Tabbles related – FYI

    Avatar photoTheeDragon
    Post count: 48

    already done ! 😎

    THANKS !

    Avatar photoTheeDragon
    Post count: 48

    <span style=”text-decoration:underline;”><str</span>ong>THANKS !

    let me know when – SO I can tabble more of my archives !
    (also – let me know if you need any beta testing !)

    Avatar photoTheeDragon
    Post count: 48

    SECOND warning!

    it took me nearly an hour to try to learn why back
    BackUp / SYNC program was going CRAZY !
    then I recalled that Tabbles add Tags INSIDE files
    this is REAL BAD for version control by date

    I suggest you make this an option
    (default – no tags)
    I am sure MOST users do not care about preserving tags in emails
    and for those that do, then are ready to click the option

    I now have files archived for over 20 years that all not show the same DATES ???????

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