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    • Avatar photoTheeDragon
      Post count: 48


      seems as tags are added to MS Office files only?
      ie so far, not to PDF or JPG

      not sure if adding tags to just SOME filetypes is a good or bad idea (IMHO)

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Hi there,

      yes we’re adding metadata inside words documents when they get tagged, check the attachment to see how to look at the metadata.

      We did this on request of a large customer, please let me know if we can help you further.



    • Maurizio
      Post count: 100


      the purpose of writing the tags inside the documents themselves is not lose tags if you send/receive office documents via email.

      Yes, it would be nice to have this feature for all files, not only for office documents. Unfortunately, it is not easy.

    • Avatar photoTheeDragon
      Post count: 48

      but for a thought
      if it only works for office and not others
      then might be a lot of work for not total value ?
      what is benefit of emailing files with tags?
      will only work if sending to some one using Tabbles?
      can you just inform them of the tags if they want to know ??

      just my 2 cents 😯

    • Maurizio
      Post count: 100

      This feature was asked by a (big) customer. They send tagged files via email to external collaborators who do not use Tabbles. Then the files come back and the tags must be preserved.

    • Avatar photoTheeDragon
      Post count: 48


    • Avatar photoTheeDragon
      Post count: 48

      SECOND warning!

      it took me nearly an hour to try to learn why back
      BackUp / SYNC program was going CRAZY !
      then I recalled that Tabbles add Tags INSIDE files
      this is REAL BAD for version control by date

      I suggest you make this an option
      (default – no tags)
      I am sure MOST users do not care about preserving tags in emails
      and for those that do, then are ready to click the option

      I now have files archived for over 20 years that all not show the same DATES ???????

    • Maurizio
      Post count: 100

      Optional? Why not. We’ll do it.

    • Avatar photoTheeDragon
      Post count: 48

      <span style=”text-decoration:underline;”><str</span>ong>THANKS !

      let me know when – SO I can tabble more of my archives !
      (also – let me know if you need any beta testing !)

    • Maurizio
      Post count: 100

      The option is now available in Tabbles 3.0.46. You can download it.

      menu -> options -> write tags in metadata

    • Avatar photoTheeDragon
      Post count: 48

      already done ! 😎

      THANKS !

    • Avatar photobrieze
      Post count: 1

      Does Tabble write Keywords to PDF files? or can it be added as a feature? This would make it very useful for searching outside of Tabble (For eg. Windows search)

      PS, versioning by Last Update time is very brittle since lots of actions can update the timestamp on a file. Some options to consider – Use Created Time instead of Last update time, add the created date to the file name, use a generic sequence number – Like camera’s add to photo’s, or ideally – use an actual version control system like Git, or Subversion.

    • Maurizio
      Post count: 100

      Tabbles does not alter PDF files, only Office files. Writing PDF files is surprisingly difficult. There don’t seem to be reliable libraries (APIs) for doing that. We tried 3 different libraries and they only support old PDF versions. And in rare cases they even destroy the PDF.

      Bottom line: if we are to develop this, we will need to find a company which needs the feature and funds the development.

    • Avatar photoa1d254_6
      Post count: 18

      But this apparently can be done pretty easily with Meta File Association (tagging pdfs and other files)? https://github.com/Dijji/FileMeta/wiki


      Why can’t Tabbles use that method in its own tagging processes for non MS Office files?

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