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  • Andrea
    Post count: 963

    Hello there!

    There are 10 online videos now… I guessed we’re covered for the moment, but training material is something you never get enough πŸ˜€

    Post count: 963

    unfortunately it isn’t… it’s been on our to-do list forever – it will happen at some point.

    There is a cumbersome way to do it: put the 2 tabbles to OR into a 3rd tabble… that works but you may want to remove them from the 3rd one afterwards

    Post count: 963

    good point again!

    the easiest way to do this is using regular expressions (check our wiki and look at the library of working expressions) I guess you won’t have problems using those πŸ™‚

    Post count: 963
    in reply to: Versions #2111

    Nope, you can’t upgrade it, but you can buy a new one… :mrgreen:

    I’ll send you the link via pm… πŸ˜†


    Post count: 963
    in reply to: Versions #2109

    Yep, the student is something between the home and the business… consider that we sell the student version only to those who prove to be related to schools/universities.

    Post count: 963
    in reply to: Versions #2107

    Hello there,

    well, thanks for the heads-up… but we have our reasons and apparently we’re not the only ones – check for instance


    Post count: 963

    Hello there and welcome to the forum! πŸ™‚

    You’re raising indeed a very sensible point, and I’m happy to answer you a with straight YES :mrgreen:

    What Tabbles Portable does is simply ignoring the drive letter. This was the easiest way for us to have it working whatever letter the USB is mounted on.
    Therefore, if you’re moving your stuff to a new USB stick, Tabbles Portable won’t even notice it as long as the files are in the same position compared the root of the USB stick (at least as far as we’re sticking to this technology).

    So, if your files are a in USB_stick_2GBmy_files, then you should move them to USB_stick_4GBmy_files and move Tabbles Portable too. Easy, isn’t it?

    – wow, it’s so cool being able to give such a direct&happy answer for once! πŸ™‚


    Post count: 963


    I’ll add this to the upcoming wiki page πŸ™‚
    Of course you’re very welcome to contribute too: you can write stuff in the wiki with the same user and pass you have on the forum!

    Post count: 963

    Hello there, and welcome to the forum! πŸ™‚

    you’re making a bunch of interesting points indeed… I’m pinning your post.
    As I mentioned on getsatisfaction, we’re currently giving low priorities to the GUI – but what you ask does indeed make sense. There has been several discussions about tagging tabbles and about the OR feature (now we just have AND and NOT). I guess the OR would be priority, but your points make sense too… πŸ™‚

    One thing: we’ve just introduced regular expressions in the auto-tagging rules, and maybe you could be interested in giving it a go? Have a look a this post.

    Thanks again πŸ™‚


    Post count: 963

    Hi mrdna!

    yes, I remember the thread… not sure about the feasibility as it would require a db merge (which we’re already doing with the export/import functions…). You’re right about it anyway.

    This brings up 2 things I can see; OR functionality in the rules panel (mp4 OR mov > Video tabble. Could have 1 rule instead of bunches, perhaps), and importing structures.

    Well, this is *kinda* not true anymore: in the latest release we introduce the chance to use regular expressions in the rules (that was Maurizio’s idea… hats off to him!). While regular expression seem to be impossible to understand, the point is that we don’t really need to do complex stuff, therefore once we get 3 or 4 useful ones working, we can play around and change them to get more of them out. As they keep coming, we could put them in the wiki?

    Some resources about regular expressions:
    – Page on Codeplex
    – Download Expresso, a regular expression editor
    – The reference page on MSDN
    – Regular expression library (warning: the syntax could be different… the one on the MSDN page is the one that should work)

    ===> YES IT WORKS!!!

    Well, I just got my first one working (with some help from Maurizio…hehe)! Here you go:


    This one matches .avi OR .mov OR .mpg. A little explanation:
    .* = matches any character
    . = matches the character "." (the dot)
    avi = matches the pattern "avi" (and also mov and mpg)
    $ = end of the pattern to be matched (append this at the end of the thing you want to match)
    | = plain and simple logical OR

    So, if you want to add anothe extension, like .mp3, you append |.*.mpg$ to the previous expression.

    Other interesting stuff:
    b = matches backspace
    ^ = beginning of the line to be matched, the opposite of $
    Well, the rest is in the msdn reference…

    I can see someone (mrdna) starting to toy around with this, isn’t it? πŸ˜€ :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :geek:

    Hint: I got it to crash once already… since this is the first time we release this complex feature, of course it’s not bug-free!!! Therefore, make sure you backup your db when making experiments – you’ve been warned.

    [EDIT]: our new friend Renicuente just posted he successfully used the regular expression:


    [EDIT 2]: check this out

    P.S.: soon there will be a page in the wiki and one on the main site on this topic… you’re all welcome to contribute!


    Post count: 963

    Hi Kobi,

    sounds good! I’ll send you license asap πŸ™‚

    Best regards,


    Post count: 963
    in reply to: getsatisfaction #2087

    Hey there!

    Yes, we received a few of those… I need to go through them πŸ™‚

    I agree that getsatisfaction has a funny design, but it’s not that bad… the coolest thing is definitely the fact that you don’t need to register in order to post, you can login using your gmail/hotmail/facebook account…if we could have the same feature on this forum we’d give the boot to getsatisfaction! πŸ™‚

    Post count: 963

    Hello there!

    Thanks for your message and welcome to the forum! πŸ™‚
    FYI, we’re giving the GUI a low priority now as we’re working on a client-server version of Tabbles allowing the users to share their tagging in intranet, like a real DMS (cool, isn’t it?) πŸ™‚
    Let me go through your post:

    "bwiersig" wrote:
    1. Single click Tabbles (I normally use single click windows explorer)

    Uh… maybe an option to do that? This sounds an extremely power-user feature anyway… can’t you configure your mouse to do that automatically instead?

    "bwiersig" wrote:
    2. Del key deletes things (rather then having to go to the Delete button in the menu)

    yes… this is on our to-do list

    "bwiersig" wrote:
    3. Undo feature

    yes… this is also on our to-do list

    "bwiersig" wrote:
    4. Be able to apply subtraction automatically on certain extensions (i.e. temp files)

    Uh, first time we hear this too… :O
    There is a (partial) workaround for this already: when you create an auto-tagging rule (which is the best way to use Tabbles) you can tell Tabbles "not to tag the file/folder" if the name contains a certain word". You could use this to exclude the folders that contain the name "temp". To create such rule go to Options > Auto-tagging rules > New.

    "bwiersig" wrote:
    5. Create a more complete standard of tables for extensions.

    (For example:
    mp3, mod, mid, wav, wma, ogg, mp4a should all be assigned an AUDIO/MUSIC tabble,
    avi, ogm, mkv, wmv, mp4, mov, etc should all be assigned to VIDEO tabble
    Common Microsoft docs should all be assigned to DOCUMENT tabble)

    I know some users will want to create their own or alter the defaults but i find it frustrating to have to create these.

    Very interesting stuff here – listen up to this: the business version of Tabbles includes the functions Export database structure and Replace database structure (they are under File > Tabbles’ database). Those two functions do respectively export and import the skeleton of the db along with the rules, not including any of the data (the files, folders and urls). This means that you can create a set of rules for all the file types/names you want, then export it into an small xml file, pass it to to other people who can import it and have all those rules into their Tabbles database. More precisely the export db function does export the tabbles, the color groups and the rules.

    Why did we do this?
    cause different people have different needs: imagine people editing videos or photographers, they’d need auto-tagging with file types and patterns that could only annoy a lawyer or a journalist.
    cause we had people like you in mind: we’re aware that creating complex rules is a time-consuming and it’s a power-user kind of feature, therefore we figured that an IT expert could it once and send it over to all of his customers/colleagues.
    Smart, isn’t it? :mrgreen: :ugeek:

    This feature is also enabled in the free version, so you could test-drive it and see what it can do for you with spending a penny on it.

    (btw, if we’re talking about large numbers, we could even automate this process…meaning that your customers would automatically get a certain default database…)

    "bwiersig" wrote:
    MANY MORE features desired as I will testing TABBLES pretty extensively to see if it would benefit non-power users.
    Many of the users I support need all the help they can get just to find the file they saved recently.
    I’ve spent hours with them showing them how to use folders but still they lose track of their precious files.

    We’d love to hear more about the people you support. This file-management issue is exactly the reason why we created Tabbles in the first place. I could also point you to a couple of happy reviews we got recently from real users (i.e. not people we paid or we pointed a gun to in order to write a review… πŸ˜€ ), respectively a photographer and a translator. It would also be interesting for us to know if the client-server feature could be interesting for your users… Please pm me and maybe we can talk via phone/skype?



    Post count: 963
    in reply to: Ping Andrea #2062



    thanks a lot mrdna… you saved me a lot of typing here! πŸ˜€

    DrTeeth: there are several reasons why we’re postponing the notifier and the changelog this time. Generally speaking, I guess that if someone would check everyday our download page and see if the version number changed, he’s also checking our forum, and most of what’s written in the changelog appears in the forum a bit before. On the other hand, most of the people don’t really care much about updates (they see it as annoying…) therefore since there are not many changes in this update (for existing customers I mean), we thought we could postpone it a bit and maybe slip in another release before having the notifier to pop-up…
    Anyway, notifier and changelog will appear soon :geek:


    Post count: 963

    Hello minarg and thanks mrdna for the warm welcome :)!

    Ukrainian is not on our list of "strictly necessary" languages, and we actually have already someone translating the latest version of the string to Russian… but if there is something else you think you might do from this list, than we’ll be glad to hand you a license! πŸ™‚



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