Home Forums Help needed how to nest the tags

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    • Avatar photokaung kyawzaw
      Post count: 2

      Is there any way how to implement the nested tagging?

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963
    • Avatar photoliyolen730
      Post count: 1

      Thank  you for help!

      I am a novice programmer, and helped with the development of the site) https://www.slotozilla.com/free-slots

    • Avatar phototoggeler
      Post count: 2

      I try tables 5.9.5

      From the Manual:

      <b>The tag “EULA” is nested inside the tag “Documents”: the files contained in “EULA” are (apparently) not tagged with the tag “Documents”. But if you browse the tag “Documents” you’ll also see the files contained in “EULA”.</b>

      but :

      I created “Documents” and did put some files in it. When I open the tag “Documents” I see at the right side these Files.

      Then I created the tag “Eula” in all categories. Then I put some Files in it. Is ok.

      Then I move “Eula” into “Documents” (by drag and drop). It is now under “Documents” (father). I can open “Eula” (child) and see these Files.

      But I can no more change to the “Documents” (father) and look at its content.

      I can change to any other tag in “All categories*, but from there I cannot not go to “Documents” (father). The chosen other tag stays. I can go to “Eula” (child) however and see the “Eulas” Files. I can also chose any other tag, only the “Documents” (father) is impossible.

      When I put “Documents” back to all categories it’s again possible to look into “Documents”

      What do I wrong?



    • Avatar phototoggeler
      Post count: 2

      I got the answer from Andrea D’Intino:

      When you have a nested tag, in order to open the father, you have to right click on the father and click on “open tag” .


    • Avatar photoAnonymous
      Post count: 1

      Implementing nested tagging depends on the specific application or system you are using. Some software applications or platforms may have built-in support for nested tagging, allowing you to create parent tags and child tags to create a hierarchical structure. In these cases, you can simply create tags and then nest them under parent tags as needed.

    • Avatar photoelegantfink
      Post count: 1

      Implementing nested labeling is dependent on the application or system being utilized. Some software applications or platforms may have built-in support for nested tagging, allowing you to construct parent tags and child tags to build a hierarchy. In these instances, you can simply generate tags and nest them as necessary under parent tags.

    • deniol pahsy
      Post count: 1

      Store tags in a way that allows for nesting:

      WITH RECURSIVE tag_hierarchy AS (
      SELECT id, name, parent_id
      FROM tags
      WHERE parent_id IS NULL
      SELECT t.id, t.name, t.parent_id
      FROM tags t
      INNER JOIN tag_hierarchy th ON th.id = t.parent_id
      SELECT * FROM tag_hierarchy;

      snow rider 3d is fantastic!

    • Avatar photoYnishanth
      Post count: 1

      En çok kazandıran slot oyunu seçerken, para çekme ile en iyinin değerlendirmesi oldukça önemlidir. Bazı oyunlar, kazancın hızla çekilmesini sağlayarak oyunculara büyük avantajlar sunar ve bu, slot oyunları arasındaki farkı belirler. Para çekme ile en iyinin değerlendirmesi yapılırken, oyuncuların deneyimlerini göz önünde bulundurmak ve yüksek ödeme oranlarına sahip oyunları tercih etmek, kazanç potansiyelini en üst düzeye çıkarır.

      • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Avatar photoYnishanth.
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