Home Forums Feature requests Drag and amp;Drop

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    • Avatar photopunker76
      Post count: 4


      i need more drag&drop functionality, or have I overlooked the feature?

      Best regards


    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      Thanks for your feedback. 🙂 Drag & drop is planned. It will be possible to 1) drag files from tabbles onto external applications; 2) drag tabbles from suggested tabbles to files; 3) drag tabbles from suggested tabbles to open tabbles; 4) drag tabbles from one category to another.

      Could you be more specific? What exactly would you like to drag, and where to?

    • Avatar photostaley
      Post count: 83

      So from what it sounds like this isn’t implemented yet? If not, I think this is the most annoying feature missing for new users, since we are so use to being able to move things around on Mac, Windows and even Linux (thanks to KDE or GNome, etc) I want to let you guy’s know I am not trying to be offensive at all… 😉 only that it’s an issue, at least in my mind’s eye. If I recall, Web 2.0 was heavily based on the concept of using Flash/Flex/Ajax to bring drag and drop to the web. That’s how much people expect it app to support it, even now on websites. (Which is go for me, since I’m a web developer I suppose :oops:)

    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      I see what you mean. Now, with file system monitoring and a first implementation of the Explorer context-menu in place, it might makes sense to implement more drag&drop.

    • Avatar photostaley
      Post count: 83

      As always… hearing about cool new features is always a plus… just as long as we aren’t rushing you in the development testing cycle… ;). I know how much work testing can be and how important it is for a solid product. Keep up the GREAT work Tabbles Team! 🙂

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