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    • Andrea
      Post count: 963


      This is the place to write, read and ask all your tips about using Tabbles… enjoy! :mrgreen:

      P.S.: there is also another thread to discuss the Tips.


    • Andrea
      Post count: 963


      Maybe you don't know it but you can scale the size of the Tabbles background, you access it by Misc > Resize wallpaper.
      You can also try to draw your own background with circled/grouped areas and use it for your freehand configuration… in a sort of mind-mapping style. Makes sense? ;)

    • Avatar photonefycee
      Post count: 143

      Misc->Other Options->Check for a new version of tabbles

      Diversen->Overige opties->Controleer op nieuwe versies van Tabbles

      Varie->Altre opzioni-< Controlla se ? disponibile una nuova versione di Tabbles

      Sonstiges->Weitere Optionen->Auf neuere Version von Tabbles prüfen

      download from homepage

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Just drag and drop from the Web browser (IE/Mozilla/Chrome/you_name_it) bar into a Tabble (or into a Combination), and Tabbles will categorize your email. You can later edit the name of the bookmark.

      Alternatively: copy the address (from the address bar) and paste into several tabbles.


    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      This is a temp workaround, but it should work for a long time 🙂

      Anyway, this is the bes way to have your db reset and mos important to see if your db has a problem or if Tabbles doesn’t run for other reasons.

      Just do the following:

      1) find your Tabbles database and settings folder: it’s in your Documents and Settings folder, usually it’s in C:Documents and settingsyour_userTabbles
      2) Rename the Tabbles folder: this will force Tabbles to start from a clean db, and it may help specially if you have an old installation and have updated many times.


    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Tabbles does not start anymore or the database is corrupted

      Sometimes your database can become corrupted due to power failures (you can see a crash window when loading Tabbles).

      Solution. To use Tabbles again, you will have to restore a database backup. Tabbles has an automatic backup system, so you should have a backup copy of the database, which we must now try to restore.

      With Explorer, enter the folder C:usersYourNameDocumentsTabblesDatabases (if you have Windows Vista/7) or C:Documents and SettingsYourNameDocumentsTabblesDatabases (if you have Windows XP). In this folder, you should see the file:

      db.zip: this is the database that got corrupted. Rename it to bd_not_working.zip

      Now go to C:usersYourNameDocumentsTabblesBackup (if you have Windows Vista/7) or C:Documents and SettingsYourNameDocumentsTabblesBackup (if you have Windows XP), you should see

      db_backup.zip: this is the database that is hopefully good. Copy it
      Paste db_backup.zip to …Databases and rename it to db.zip.

      You should be good to go now! Still got problems? Write us 🙂


    • Andrea
      Post count: 963


      How to switch between different databases:

      Tabbles saves the database in:
      C:Documents and Settingsyour_userDocumentsTab?blesDatabases
      and it needs a whole folder for that.

      If you want to have different databases and switch between them, you need to have several folders where you place the db and switch between them with the function:
      File > Tabbles' database > change database path
      so basically you can have different databases in different folders

      Yo! :mrgreen:


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