Home Forums Help needed Create new tags through command line?

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    • Hyperstar96 .
      Post count: 2

      Is it possible to create new tags through command line? When I add tags to a new file using Tabbles.exe tag_files_pre -f "C:\Directory\File1.doc" -f "P:\Shared Directory\File2.txt" -t tag1 -t tag2, it ignores any tags that don’t already exist.

    • Maurizio
      Post count: 100

      sorry, not possible yet. one reason is that it would be difficult to specify the tag color.

      why do you need this?

    • Hyperstar96 .
      Post count: 2

      I have a collection of several thousands of images that each have a JSON including tags. I’m using a script that looks through each JSON and adds the appropriate image to Tabbles with all of its tags but couldn’t figure out a way to create new tags. Manually adding the most important tags beforehand isn’t a big deal, though.

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