So here we are finally, the big next version is out, with an extra plus:  Tabbles is now free for personal use! The free license doesn’t have any file limitation anymore (the tabbles-sharing is enabled but up to 1000 files).

The main technological difference with the previous version is the tabble-sharing feature:

Tabbles sharing: tag files and share tagging with your colleagues, in LAN or in the Cloud

Tabbles sharing: tag files and share tagging with your colleagues, in LAN or in the Cloud

Tabbles sharing: all you need is a shared folder

It works by exporting pieces of db onto a file in a shared-folder. This means that it’s serverless, it’s easy to setup and it works whenever there is a shared folder around. It also works with Cloud-storage services (like the awesome Powerfolder or the popular Dropbox).

Retweet/share on facebook and win a Tabbles Corporate license!

To celebrate the launch of this massive new version, we will draw 50 among those who retweet  the news and award them a free Corporate license! All you have to do is retweet this  (within Sunday 14th of November… we’ll draw the winners in the following week):

@tabbles 2.0 is out: released tabble-sharing feature and free-for-personal-use version! https://tabbles.net [RT pls]

Or share this link on your facebook page (not sure how to check this, but we’ll figure it out 😀 ). We’ll check twitter, make a list of those who retwitted and publish it here before drawing – good luck 🙂

