Hello crackers and pirate worldwide,

Tabbles got cracked again – a real crack this time (a dll was patched). I guess it’s pretty uncommon to see a software developer blogging about his software begin cracked, but in reality the thing its quite cool. We’re still at the very beginning of our journey in enterpreneurship, no one knows us and probably some 1000 people have seen Tabbles…seeing that someone out there cares and takes the time to crack it is quite cool…and feels rewarding.

Plus, there are a bunch of case studies out there showing that the more the software gets cracked, the more cash flows in and even that easily crackable softwares win over hard-to-crack competitors.

While I’m writing this I’m happily looking at google analytics and I can see a traffic spike… to us it looks pretty much like free advertisement so we can’t complain at all!

Therefore thanks to uncleua (the cracker) and to the people who posted the release! Looking for the cracked version itself? Google “tabbles crack 1.3.8“… or you could also check this post and if you can lend us a hand we’d be happy to pass you a free license. Uh, don’t forget that Tabbles is free for bloggers! 

P.S.: a friend posted this to Slashdot! Coolness 🙂
