Hi everybody, we are glad to announce the release of the second beta of Tabbles 4.

I remind you that Tabbles 4 offers: a new GUI (the combinable tags are shown in their own tree), some major improvements and bugfixes when working with network drives, some usability enhancements such as “copy tabbles” and “paste tabbles”, some major improvements for collaborative tagging (the tag hierarchy is now common to the organization, it is not per-user), and more.


In beta 2, we fixed some bugs in the first beta reported by early users; in particular we fixed a crash when you try to create a new user group (for sharing and collaboration), when you try to import your existing tagging database from tabbles 3 via XML file, and more.

Tabbles 4 uses a separate database from Tabbles 3, so you can easily reinstall Tabbles 3 if you should have any problems with Tabbles 4. (No need to upgrade or downgrade the database for Tabbles LAN users, just uninstall and reinstall).

If you are wondering how to import your tagging database from Tabbles 3, here is what you need to do:

1) while still in Tabbles 3, export your database to xml zipped file;

2) install Tabbles 4;

3) create an account for Tabbles 4 (Cloud or LAN);

4) when logged in to Tabbles 4, import the database from the XML zip file.

You can download the beta here.

PS: The actual version you will see in the software is 3.9.11.