HELLO GALAXY – a small step for the mankind, ad BIG step for us – we finally found out what the cause of a hideous crash was.

If you experienced the following error message at startup:

-------------------- Level 0 -------------
Exception type = System.MissingMethodException
Message = Method not found: 'Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1<!0> Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1.get_TailOrNull()'.

StackTrace =    at Tabbles_logic.rettangolo_individuato_dai_tabble_fk@5185.Invoke(Unit unitVar0)

   at Tabbles_logic.loc[a](FSharpFunc`2 funct)
   at Tabbles_logic.autoFitWallpaperToDesktopItems(Boolean silent)
   at Tabbles_logic.carica_fondale_in_base_a_estensione_con_msg_errore(FSharpOption`1 mpath)
   at Tabbles_logic.init(Canvas canvas_meta, Canvas canvas0, Window mainWindow,
ScrollViewer a_scroll_viewer, TextBox a_txt_filter, Button btn_history,
Button btn_view_tabbles, Slider slider_zoom, Canvas canvas_toolbar_e_popup,
Button a_btn_create_new_tabble, Border a_border_navigator, Path a_btn_nav_right,
Path a_btn_nav_left, Path a_btn_nav_up, Path a_btn_nav_down, Button a_btn_nav_view_all2,
Button a_btn_zoom_in, Button a_btn_zoom_out, DockPanel aDpNavigatorLeft,
DockPanel aDpNavigatorRight, selected_tabble_box a_stb, Button a_btn_navigator_menu,
Border a_border_nav_slider, Boolean changed_g_reg_state_in_initial_wizard,
FrameworkElement a_ell_placeholder_drag, ToggleButton a_btn_left_mouse_void_scrolls,
ToggleButton a_btn_left_mouse_void_selects, FrameworkElement a_toolbar_drag,
Rectangle a_rect_resize_top, Rectangle a_rect_resize_bottom, Rectangle a_rect_resize_left,
Rectangle a_rect_resize_right, Button a_btn_maximize, Button a_btn_minimize,
Button a_btn_close_window, Rectangle a_rect_custom_border, Rectangle a_rect_resize_br1,
Rectangle a_rect_resize_br2, Rectangle a_rect_resize_bl1, Rectangle a_rect_resize_bl2,
Image a_img_maximize, Border a_border_loading, Border aBorderNavigatorZui,
Border aBorderNavigatorNoZui, Button aBtnPageUpMainWindow,
Button aBtnPageDownMainWindow, MenuItem aMiView, MenuItem aMiOptions)

The problem lies in the VisualStudio 2010 beta1/RC installation: uninstall it, reboot and Tabbles will work.

So crazy not even us can believe it: the issue is dued to a notorious incompatibility between VS2010 beta1/rc and F#. The Tabbles installer installs the F# library (FSharp.Core.dll) in the Tabbles folder, but for some reason (!) if VS2010 is installed, Windows does indeed decide to override the local .net framework (!!!) and uses some library installed by VS2010 beta1/RC – which do not work with F#. Now that VS2010 has been released, we hope that you won’t have any issue in disinstalling the beta/RC and installing the final one… this will make Tabbles work for you.
Peace! 🙂