have been thinking of posting this for a while… the purpose of this post is try and share what I learnt in roughly 8 months moving from 0-level-web-newbie to wannabe-webmaster 🙂

Why Joomla?

As I started looking for a CMS I had (for obvious reason) PHP + MySQL + Open Source in mind. Maurizio (my partner in crime) has been working with ASP .NET, and my brother developed his own CMS in PHP (which btw kicks ass…it powers huuuuge sites including one selling plane tickets). Since the website was supposed to be my baby from day 1, then I just thought I needed to find something I could handle 100% by myself (and I can’t code at all…).

The dilemma was initially between Joomla and Drupal. Later on I also discover (or re-discovered) that you can do pretty much everything with WordPress as well. After spending a few days googling (in february 2009) I made myself an opinion based on rumors, late me summarize:

  • lots of extensions and skins available
  • no-multisite support
  • used for small sites and e-ecommerces
  • the Administration panel takes a while to figure out
  • developer-friendly and larger development community
  • multisite support
  • (a bit) less extensions available
  • skinning reportedly more difficult
  • no default wysiwyg editor (!)
  • used mainly in large sites

There are several well-done comparison on the web (e.g.: 1,2), what comes out is that both Joomla and Drupal (and WordPress) can serve your purposes equally well if you have something small in mind and maybe  in that case Joomla is a bit less expensive/time consuming to set-up.
I went for Joomla and still I’m pretty happy about it since whenever I needed some new functionalities, in most cases I did just browse the

By |2010-01-11T17:31:00+01:00January 11th, 2010|English|8 Comments