let’s see if I can write something useful this time… 🙂

Before you start…

…make sure you have the Tabbles’ bookmarklet in place (and of course you installed Tabbles). In the version 1.5.0 we introduced the browser integration feature, the video below explains how to set it up for Firefox (and this web page is explained how to set it up for IE7-8 and Chrome, but it should work with every browser).

Tagging gmails

The “tag with Tabbles” bookmarklet will allow you to tag any URL. Since Gmail uses plain URLs links (unlike the new yahoo mail), your emails can be tagged as any other web page. The same system should work for many others webmail services – e.g.: it works fine with the old yahoo mail.

1) Open the email/thread you want to tag and click the “tag with Tabbles” bookmarklet

tag gmail Tabbles

Tag gmails with Tabbles - step 1

2) Use the super-fast “Add internet address” window to tag the gmail

Tag gmails Tabbles

Tag gmails with Tabbles - step 2

3) When done Tabbles will show a friendly pop-up telling you what just happened and giving you a chance to improve/fix/see your tagging. The pop-up can be configured to show different things and the time it lasts on screen can also be tuned.

tag gmails tabbles

Tag gmails with tabbles - Tabbles gives you feedback of what you just did

Tagging tweets

1) Open the tweet you want to tag and click the “tag with Tabbles” bookmarklet

Tag tweets Tabbles 1

Tag tweets with Tabbles - click the "tag with Tabbles bookmarklet"

2) Use the super-fast “Add internet address” window to tag the tweet

Tag tweets Tabbles 2

Tag tweets with Tabbles - tag the tweet using the super-friendly "Add Internet address" window

3) When done Tabbles will show a friendly pop-up telling you what just happened… same as with gmails.

Tagging web stuff with a desktop app – what’s the catch?

I can hear you already wondering “why should I ever use a desktop application to tag stuff which is on the internet? Can’t I just use the browser bookmarks or some online bookmarking service like Delicious?”. Well, let’s see:

1) You can tag files on your disk along with gmails/tweets.  To all of you out there who rely extensively the Microsoft Office suite (I guess you’re the majority out there) or to those using any other software that produces files (Photoshop/Illustrator, CAD softwares, Music/Video editing…you name it) it may come in handy to have a gmail/tweet tagged along with your files when working on a project.

2) Speed: web applications are fast… but are they as fast as a desktop app like Tabbles? I find myself switching to Chrome as I perceive it faster in pretty much everything compared to Firefox – Tabbles is gonna give you the same feeling if you compare it to a web application, no matter how fast your internet connection is.

3) User friendliness: if you’ve tried navigating through files with Tabbles you might have realised how easy and straight forward it is to get to the file you’re looking without the need of going crazy about where the file is and what its name is… well, the same thing will happen with tagging tweets/gmails.

Happy tagging everyone :mrgreen: