Home Forums Feature requests Size of icons/grid lines customizable

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    • Avatar photomca1
      Post count: 25

      Hello everyone…

      I was asking myself if one could change the size of the grid-lines or the icons… even in "compact" view the icons are still quite big…

      I would prefer an explorer-like view with smallericons and smaller text so tabbles can advance to a quite powerful file-explorer replacement.

      Is there a possibility to achieve this?

    • William Sawyer
      Post count: 1

      Yes, you can disable the Intro tutorial popup in Tabbles Block Blast. Go to the settings menu and look for an option related to tutorials or startup options. Once found, uncheck the option to show tutorials on startup.

    • Avatar photoadamjones
      Post count: 1

      Customizable icons and grid lines are a game-changer for workflow efficiency. When you’re dealing with a cluttered interface, having control over these elements makes navigation so much smoother. I’ve run into this issue myself when organizing research materials and lengthy documents. One thing that helped me streamline my workflow was getting well-structured, professionally formatted papers, which saved me a ton of time. For that, I’ve had a solid experience with 99papers.com—especially when I needed well-organized reports without spending hours on formatting. Having the right tools and resources to keep things structured, whether in digital workspaces or written projects, really makes all the difference.

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