Home Forums Help needed searching for a filename?

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    • Avatar photomkayi
      Post count: 31

      Hi there,

      When I auto-categorize a folder and its sub-folder with a tabble called "texts" I assumed I should be able to not only perform searches for filenames within a tabble. The general search input on the main window only searches for tabble names.

      So, when I categorized a file, I still have to know its tabble to search for it? I find that cumbersome.

      Is there a workaround? Can I somehow assign a universal tabble and have it import all the files in my "documents" folder, so I can search for filenames from there, e.g.? I could combine this universal tabble with more tabbles to narrow things down from the universal tabble’s view, couldn’t I?

      The universal tabble could be "file" e.g.
      How would that work?

    • Avatar photomkayi
      Post count: 31

      Err, strangely enough, having had to paraphrase my problem seems to have solved it…^^

      I did create a tabble called "file", imported my "documents" directory and now I can open that tabble to search for any given filename.

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      great! :mrgreen:

      Hint: open the tabble called "tagged" (this one) and then type the filename in the search field 🙂

    • Avatar photomkayi
      Post count: 31

      Hi there,

      that did not work from the start, because I only imported parts of my "Documents" folder and thus would have had to check for the right tabble first (because I couldn’t tell if that file had been categorized). That’s why I now used the universal "file" tabble in addition…

    • Avatar photomrdna
      Post count: 220

      Love folder tabbles! They’ve saved many an un-tagged file from being lost in the abyss of my hard drive forever. I add alot of files at a time so I will switch between sorting by creation date and fewest tabbles so files don’t fall through the cracks.

    • iris bitter
      Post count: 1

      Countless untagged files were geometry dash rescued from the depths of my hard drive by their grace.

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