Home Forums Feature requests OneNote Integration

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    • Levi Neely
      Post count: 2

      The ability to tag OneNote notebooks, sections, and pages using Tabbles would be incredibly useful to me.

    • Levi Neely
      Post count: 2


      It is possible to get this functionality by creating “internet shortcuts” to a notebook, section, or page and tagging the shortcut with Tabbles. Tighter integration than that would be nice. 🙂

    • xkat
      Post count: 44

      Levi – if you keep your OneNote notebooks/sections/pages in your local machine file system, they will tag as expected.
      Unfortunately, OneNote files don’t retain TABBLE ‘tags’ in their extended internal properties (INFO > Properties) like do WORD, EXCEL, etc.

      I keep my ONENOTEs local, and have them ‘synced’ to OneDrive, for instance.

    • Rev. Henry den Hollander
      Post count: 1

      I agree, the ability to tag OneNotes would be extremely useful. As a matter of fact, it would put the final touch on a complete system of tagging. I have searched and searched and can find no other program that can tag files, web pages and also emails in one system. Tabbles exceeds them all in this. The only thing I am now missing is the ability to tag notes within the same system. That would really be ideal and make Tabbles a system far exceeding any other available.

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Hi guys,

      we hear you, we’ll look into this 🙂

    • Logan
      Post count: 1

      Oh yes really good idea !!

    • Avatar photoTechX
      Post count: 1

      I’d love to have this ability as well.

      The absolute and total perfection of stream of consciousness. Making for possibly the most confusing entity outside of an asylum.

    • Avatar photoChuck Frizzell
      Post count: 9

      OneNote integration would really improve Tabbles!

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