Home Forums Feature requests One step Unlinking files from Tabbles

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    • Avatar photoJohn
      Post count: 19

      I would like to see the Icons for linked tabbles on a file include an option for unlinking them. Probably instead of pasting a file to this location.

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Hello John,

      I don’t think I get what you need here… could you please add an example on how you link or unlink files normally? (I’m asking cause both linking and unlinking can be done in different ways)

      best regards,


    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      "John" wrote: I would like to see the Icons for linked tabbles on a file include an option for unlinking them. Probably instead of pasting a file to this location.

      Thanks John. You mean to add an item "unlink this tabble from this file" to the tabble option menu? That’s reasonable. Actually I had thought of it, but then I thought, "how often do you need to unlink something"? However, since it’s reasonable for that option to be there, it should be there. I am adding this to the TODO list.

    • Avatar photoJohn
      Post count: 19

      "Maurizio" wrote:

      Thanks John. You mean to add an item "unlink this tabble from this file" to the tabble option menu? That’s reasonable. Actually I had thought of it, but then I thought, "how often do you need to unlink something"?


      Yes that is what I was requesting.

      I would use it frequently at the present stage as I have imported a lot of files into a few basic categories based on the subdirectories they were in and am now now refining this by assigining them to additional Tabbles and also frequently removing them from the basic categories.

      Also what I do with photos where I use tagging a lot and intend doing here is to have tags which indicates the status of my processing the file. There will be a few of these and I expect to be frequently changing and updating them.

      Therefore for me there will be a set of tags that will be more or less permanent that will group my work and allow me to look at files in similar topics and anouther set of tags that will be frequently changing that will allow me to find the files I need to work on today, those that I wish work on at some stage in the near future, those I need to review and decide what to do with etc. For these second group it would be good to be easily able to reasign them.

      I have tried three other programs that do similar things to Tabbles and purchased one. I find Tabbles much better to use. Thanks very much for developing it and I wish you all the best for the future.

    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      "John" wrote:
      Also what I do with photos where I use tagging a lot and intend doing here is to have tags which indicates the status of my processing the file.

      This is a very good justification you offer. The feature will be available very soon, probably in the next release.

    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      Available in version 1.0.21.

    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      "John" wrote:
      I have tried three other programs that do similar things to Tabbles and purchased one.

      BTW, could you tell us what these products are? We may get some more ideas by examining them.

    • Avatar photoJohn
      Post count: 19

      "Maurizio" wrote: could you tell us what these products are? We may get some more ideas by examining them.

      The product I purchased and thought at first was fantastic was Topicscape. The user interface is very good for sorting and relocating files. Though there is a lot of work in getting the groupings and maintaining file lists. I am fidding Tabbles is much more usable.

      Other programs link items that can be tagged to files, which I guess is more or less what Tabbles does but you work with the items not the files.

      I purchased and mainly rely on Biblioscape which allows you to link bibliographic information to the files . It allows these to be tagged and also to have "vurtual folders" for files belonging to multiple copies. Twice in about five years I have had the tag information become currupted, which leaves me not wanting to rely on the tagging in this program.

      The other program I use is Swift To-Do List allows files to be linked to items and these can then be sorted and aranged. Not Comparable to Tabbles, but I would like you to think about adding a to-do list window to Tabbles.

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Thanks John, this sounds like a very good hint. We did indeed discuss about the possibility to add some text, somehow into Tabbles.

      I’m having a look at the programs you mentioned: it’s interesting for us finding out what other softwares do our users like/need, as so far it’s not been easy to find a real competitor for Tabbles.



    • Avatar photostaley
      Post count: 83

      I would agree, I haven’t been able to find that many products like Tabbles either, and when some of the more advance features are released, it really will be a unique product on the market… even more than it is ready. 😉

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