Home Forums General discussion next version: 1.5 or 2.0?

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    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      === Open discussion: please speak your mind ===

      Question: should we name the next release 2.0?
      Reasons: we feel that we’re ready to make some real hype and we’re getting ready to write to 100 big blogs, launching a Free version (until 1000 files… same as the current beta) at the same.
      (Also, to our customers who bought the version 1.x, we’d extend the support until the version 2.5…)

      What do you think? Should we go for 2.0 or stick to 1.5?

      Any opinion is veeeery welcome! :mrgreen:


    • Avatar photonefycee
      Post count: 143

      It doesn’t feel like a 2, the changed GUI felt like a big improvement … but introducing a free version … hmm 😕

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      "nefycee" wrote: It doesn’t feel like a 2, the changed GUI felt like a big improvement … but introducing a free version … hmm 😕


      Plus, it’s free until 1000 files, then a naaaasty nag-screen comes up reminding you to buy! :mrgreen:

    • Avatar photonefycee
      Post count: 143

      I think the chancelog would not be very impressive.
      From 1.4.9 to 2 would not a lot of optical changes.

      0.0.xx (debugging)
      0.x.00 (stable versions/minor changes)
      x.0.00 (major improvements like new GUI, DB structures, etc.)

      A new marketing isn’t really a major upgrade 😛

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Yes you’re right, but our goal now is not to be coherent and have a meaningful version naming, but:
      – to make sure that as many blog as possible write about us
      – that people come to the website and install the software

      All the rest is not important right now.

      Think of it this way: if you knew nothing about Tabbles, what would you be more interested in?

    • Avatar photomrdna
      Post count: 220

      "Andrea" wrote: Think of it this way: if you knew nothing about Tabbles, what would you be more interested in?

      An integrated link/unlink/rename panel? But that’s just me… 😉

      Not sure about the 2.0, it is quite a jump. 1.5 for the freemium ability certainly, but I’d figure a full 2.0 for when (if?) the graphical desktop gets usable again.

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