Home Forums General discussion Moving Files when Tabbles has not Started

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    • Avatar photoYallo248
      Post count: 2

      I’ve been learning Tabbles and testing it out. Recently, I moved some files in explorer when Tabbles was apparently not active. Despite moving entire directories, when I looked back at the folders, no tags had been persevered, nor rules on the folders.  So my question is:

      1. How are the tags and rules stored exactly, if not in the folders?
      2. If Tabbles is not running and I move files, is all of that information irrevocably lost?
        • As in I’ll have to re-tag and resort everything again?


    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Hi there,

      1. in a database, see here: https://tabbles.net/wiki/index.php?title=Tabbles_Manual_(EN)#Using_Tabbles_Local_.28runs_on_Microsoft_SQL_Server_LocalDb.29
      2. No: the shell extension that tracks file movement, does so also when Tabbles is not running (as long as it’s properly installed) and logs movements in a file inside  %appdata%\Tabbles\    . It’s recommended anyway that you keep Tabbles always on and minimised in the icon tray.


    • samwill
      Post count: 2

      If you move files while Tabbles is not active, the tags and rules should not be irrevocably lost

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