Home Forums Feature requests Explorer-like behaviour

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    • Avatar photoeTaurus
      Post count: 6


      Some other suggestions:

      • Make it possible to mark files with Shift + cursor keys
      • Let the file view window scroll down while marking files by dragging the mouse while holding down left mouse button
      • substract tags by clicking on them with the mouse while holding down a key. Right clicking can quite a hassle if I want to substract many tags.
      • respect picture rotation in the preview pane

      This would make a great product even better!

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Hi there,

      let’s see:

      • Make it possible to mark files with Shift + cursor keys

      We preferred to focus on mouse + alt/shift keys, as those are the most widely used. Not sure you noticed, but you can do click and then shift+click to add a list of files or ctrl+click to add a second one.

      • Let the file view window scroll down while marking files by dragging the mouse while holding down left mouse button
      • substract tags by clicking on them with the mouse while holding down a key. Right clicking can quite a hassle if I want to substract many tags.
      • respect picture rotation in the preview pane

      What do you mean with this last one, about the picture rotation? Can you please elaborate?

    • Avatar photoeTaurus
      Post count: 6

      When clicking on a picture taken in portrait orientation it instead is “lying” in landscape orientation. Please look at the picture I attached.

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