Home Forums Feature requests Auto save DB in Background…

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    • Avatar photostaley
      Post count: 83

      I have been noticing more and more, as I help test each release, that changes made during an active session of Tabbles aren’t saved or recovered if Tabbles crashes. Is it possible to be able to support having Tabbles remember like this? Sort of like Word does, when you are editing a document and the program abends and the next time you load it asks if you would like to attempt to retrieve the previous open document. Adobe Audition and Mozilla Firefox also in similar ways try and do the same. Adobe Audition, as an example, states a warning that a previous session didn’t properly close and that an edited sound file may still be recoverable to save. 💡

    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      Thanks. The DB is saved every 5 minutes. If Tabbles crashes, you only loose changes made in the last 5 minutes tops. Does this feature not seem working to you, or do you think this is not enough?

    • Avatar photostaley
      Post count: 83

      Thanks… that is included with the 1.1 release? Because, I think it just worked for me :).

    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      Autosaving has been there since 0.9.X I think.


      I assume your bug with the clipboard is fixed.

      If you are still unable to open the tabbles in "meta-tabbles" category, please let us know, and with time we’ll find a fix which doesn’t involve resetting your database.

      The changelog for 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 is available.

      Thank you! 😀

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