Hi all, this is another commonly asked question.

Whether you use Tabbles Lan or Tabbles Cloud, it is possible that you may encounter this problem when trying to login:

error connecting

If you have a Tabbles environment with multiple machines, this message may appear only one some of your machines (those where Sql Server is not installed). This howto will help you in this case as well.

To troubleshoot this problem, you need to use Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio (hencefort SSMS).

Start SSMS. (If you have a Tabbles environment with multiple machines, SSMS must be started from the same machine where the Tabbles client which is failing to connect is installed. If you don’t have SSMS installed on that machine, you need to install it there first.)


You will be presented with the login dialog:


connect to tabbles cloud with management studio


1) Now, if you are using Tabbles Cloud, enter the following :

server name: sql1102.shared-servers.com, 1089
Authentication: Sql Server Authentication
login: tabblesClient
password: client

And press “connect”. If it does not work, either your internet connection is down, or there is a firewall or an antivirus blocking the connection to our Cloud Sql Server. In this case it is the job of the network administrator to allow traffic to pass. Try disabling the firewall or the antivirus.

If it does work, then Tabbles should work too. If it does not, contact us at bugs@tabbles.net.


2) If you are using Tabbles Lan (i.e. you are using your own Sql Server) enter the following:

Authentication: Sql Server Authentication
login: tabblesClient
password: client


(in the “server name” field, you might need to enter only MACHINENAME, instead of MACHINENAMESERVERNAME. This depends on how you configured Sql Server. We cannot know that.)


If it does not connect, there are several possibilities:


1) you might have forgotten to enable Sql Authentication on your Sql Server. See this howto for details.

2) if you are not on the same machine where Sql Server is installed, you might have forgotten to make Sql Server accessible from other machines. See this howto for details.

3) your network connection might be down or unstable.

4) you might have a firewall or an antivirus blocking the connection to your Sql Server. Try disabling them.

5) you might not have created the Tabbles database yet. You should first press the button “create database”, before you try to create a user or to login.

If it does connect, then Tabbles should connect too. If it does not, please write us at bugs@tabbles.net.