Hi, we just released Tabbles 3.0.41, which fixes two major bugs with the Explorer integration.

First, the small balls over tagged files (overlays) were not showing anymore:

explorer overlay icons

Second, the Explorer context menu was not showing:

explorer context menu:

This happened for all machines which did not already have the .NET Framework 4.5 installed. (Our installer was only installing 4.0 which was not enough).

A rather embarrassing issue, but this is what betas are for, I guess. 🙂 Anyway, it is fixed now!


We also had reports that the Outlook plugin is not working for some users: it seems to hang at startup. We are working on this right now. The problem seems due to the presence of an Exchange server which is not available. If you have this issue and want to help debugging it, please write us at bugs@tabbles.net sending the content of the log file Documents\Tabbles\log_outlook_addin.txt.

After we fix the issues with the Outlook plugin, we are going out of beta. 🙂explorer overlay icons