Tabbles in the PressAndrea2024-06-05T09:44:48+01:00Tabbles in the Press Some call them “testimonials”, some call them “love“… 09 August 2019: Our friends from gave us an interview and made a nice review of Tabbles on their awesome website: “…With Tabbles Web recently released in Beta, the company is making it easier than ever for anyone who creates and saves files to intuitively reduce digital chaos“. |
10 Decemeber 2018: In this excellent comparison of tagging solution, Simon Kravis writes: “Tabbles is a mature product with a multitude of appealing features, many based on its high level of integration with Windows.” and gives Tabbles the highest score in the whole survey: 
13 May 2014: “If you work on projects spanning many directories and files, or need to organize and filter large groups of files, it’s very worth checking out the trial.” 18 May 2010: “…it’s a rare and wonderful thing when a program instead regularly updates, fixing flaws without shedding functionality. This is the case with Tabbles, as it has fixed a number of problems from its debut version while enhancing core functionality.” (YEAH! 😀 ). 30 Dec 2009: “Tabbles is under active, ongoing development, so we can hope someone will decide raw responsiveness and adherence to Windows interface standards are more important than scalable vector-graphic icons. When this happens, Tabbles will be a clear winner. ” (Note: we’re in touch with the reviewer and most – if not all – the issues mentioned have been fixed already. They say that mixed reviews are not always bad and we love constructive criticism!). |
03 Nov 2010 – “Tags and Groups Your Files with Virtual Folders” “A single file, like a template, can be part of numerous projects, or apply to multiple clients” |
(this deservers a WOW: the article has been read nearly 10k times and retweeted 500 times…) |
01 Dec 2010 – “With tags, you can find files by typing keywords. Wouldn’t it be great if you could search through documents the same way? Well, Tabbles gives you an easy way to tag documents.” (Thanks to the Kim Komando team! We didn’t even know the site before… silly us!) |
 | (Auf Deutsch) “Tabbles ermöglicht einfaches Daten-Management. Durch zahlreiche Komfort-Funktionen wird die Benutzung weithin einfach gehalten, z.B. Drag&Drop, Copy&Paste, Browsing und Auto-Tagging-Funktion.” |
“Simply put, Tabbles is a relational file management tool designed for the Web 2.0-era. It allows you to organize and find files not just by folders but by tags and relationships â?? one of the many unfulfilled promises of WinFS.” |
“Tab – Magazine rating: 85% -Italian: “Applicativo giovane e in costante aggiornamento, ci sembra un outsider dalle ottime premesse.” -English (translation): ” Young and constantly growing application, it appears to be a very promising outsider.” |
The Pros
We attracted some attention from some people (now friends) at Microsoft:
“Now comes a great one. Tabbles is a new way of organizing files: it combines virtual folders and tags, and auto-organizes and tags your files in very intelligent ways. It’s been called “what WinFS should have been”. |
 | | Henrik W. Hansen – Senior ISV Developer Evangelist @ Microsoft: “Entire app made in F# and WPF. Inspired by WinFS, or rather, what WinFS should have been.” |

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