February 2019

Tabbles Web is growing!

By |2019-02-18T17:10:08+01:00February 15th, 2019|Products, Tabbles, Uncategorized|

HELLO WORLD, exactly one month (and 3 days, edited) after the first post, we're showing you again how Tabbles Web is coming along: now you can see and open a real tag-tree and see file paths (we'll make it prettier later on), see here:   We have know most of the back-end (with most of the file and tags sorting [...]

June 2018

Auto-tagging folders in 7 clicks

By |2018-06-20T16:15:30+01:00June 20th, 2018|English, Products, Tabbles|

Dear tagging aficionados, One of the first issues we faced when developing Tabbles was how can we quickly tag data, based on the user's existing folder structure? The auto-tagging rules were the result of this quest. But to our surprise, we have recently discovered that the (let's make up a funky name) auto-tagging folder wizard is mostly unknown to our beloved user [...]

Open bookmarks in Chrome

By |2018-08-20T15:00:43+01:00June 19th, 2018|English, Products, Tabbles|

Open Tabbles bookmarks in Chrome Outdated: this issue was fixed in Tabbles 5.4 Our Windows 10 users reported they open a bookmark in Tabbles, the bookmark is opened in Internet Explorer (or Firefox) even if the default browser is Chrome. We investigated the matter and we realized that in Windows 10 the setting for default browser is managed differently then [...]

May 2018

Tabbles database running on Linux

By |2018-05-22T20:09:55+01:00May 15th, 2018|howto, Products, Tabbles|

Many people asked us if  the Tabbles database can run on MySQL, the reason being that that most people have Linux servers and are typically running MySQL databases. Tabbles needs a Microsoft SQL Server to run, as most of its logic is written using Microsoft SQL Server stored procedures. But Microsoft comes to help: since February 2018, Microsoft SQL Server is [...]

April 2018

Data-mining: search and auto-tag files based on patterns in their content, to find credit card numbers, social security numbers, names from a list…

By |2018-05-22T20:09:38+01:00April 13th, 2018|new releases, Products, Tabbles|

DATA MINE YOUR DRIVES FOR SENSITIVE INFORMATION in Tabbles 5.2.31 we combined the search based on regular expressions, with the search in file content that we introduced in Tabbles 5.2. So basically you can now tell Tabbles to "scrape my disks and auto-tag everything that looks like credit number, an email address, invoice number, a name from a list [...]

February 2018

Desktop search: revamping Tabbles search feature and introducing the Unified Search (global shortcut Alt+S)

By |2018-02-01T22:23:31+01:00February 1st, 2018|English, new releases, Products, Tabbles|

Unified Desktop Search: one more feature that will make many people happy :) Based on feedback from many of you, we've revamped our search feature. Search now allows you to search files based on: - File name and folder - File content (using Windows Search indexing) - Tagging of files - Comments written on files Note that that we're [...]

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