July 2018

    Tabbles Start Story

    By |2018-07-29T16:44:58+01:00July 20th, 2018|About, English, howto, Tabbles|

    Tabbles - a User Story beginning from Scratch I've always wanted to use a document management Software like Tabbles to easily retrieve my documents, photos, and whatever files I have on my home network. A few years ago, I realized this wish for my photo collection. The name of the software is „Thumbs+". This allowed me to "tag" my photos [...]

    June 2018

      Auto-tagging folders in 7 clicks

      By |2018-06-20T16:15:30+01:00June 20th, 2018|English, Products, Tabbles|

      Dear tagging aficionados, One of the first issues we faced when developing Tabbles was how can we quickly tag data, based on the user's existing folder structure? The auto-tagging rules were the result of this quest. But to our surprise, we have recently discovered that the (let's make up a funky name) auto-tagging folder wizard is mostly unknown to our beloved user [...]

        Open bookmarks in Chrome

        By |2018-08-20T15:00:43+01:00June 19th, 2018|English, Products, Tabbles|

        Open Tabbles bookmarks in Chrome Outdated: this issue was fixed in Tabbles 5.4 Our Windows 10 users reported they open a bookmark in Tabbles, the bookmark is opened in Internet Explorer (or Firefox) even if the default browser is Chrome. We investigated the matter and we realized that in Windows 10 the setting for default browser is managed differently then [...]

        February 2018

          Desktop search: revamping Tabbles search feature and introducing the Unified Search (global shortcut Alt+S)

          By |2018-02-01T22:23:31+01:00February 1st, 2018|English, new releases, Products, Tabbles|

          Unified Desktop Search: one more feature that will make many people happy :) Based on feedback from many of you, we've revamped our search feature. Search now allows you to search files based on: - File name and folder - File content (using Windows Search indexing) - Tagging of files - Comments written on files Note that that we're [...]

          January 2018

            Auto-tagging files based on content

            By |2018-07-13T17:09:40+01:00January 16th, 2018|English, new releases, Tabbles, Uncategorized|

            This first build of Tabbles 5 features an extension of the auto-tagging rules that will allow you to search “inside” a file ( search the content of a file or document). When Tabbles files a file contains the keyword, the file is automatically tagged based on the rule(s) you set up. To achieve we're using the awesome Tika library, the full [...]

              Auto-tag files based on content – new in Tabbles 5

              By |2018-01-08T12:08:16+01:00January 8th, 2018|English, Uncategorized|

              We're working on Tabbles 5 already, the first feature we're releasing is an extension of the auto-tagging rules that will allow you to search "inside" a file ( search the content of a file or document) and tag the file automatically based on what's inside it.In the first release it will work only for files .docx, .xlsx and for generic [...]

              October 2017

                (UPDATE)Tabbles API (V4), first release and test plugin for file tagging

                By |2018-08-23T13:41:10+01:00October 16th, 2017|English, new releases, Tabbles, Tag Forge|

                We're very excited to share that we've just released a build with the first APIs for Tabbles (and Tabbles' sister application, Confidential). This is the 1st version of this API, and we're planning to support the current software and database architecture for a very long time, so we will grow the APIs as demand arises. Currently the APIs allow you [...]

                February 2014

                  Tabbles 3 Beta is out

                  By |2017-11-17T20:35:48+01:00February 20th, 2014|English|

                  Preliminary new feature list: - Tabbles now uses Microsoft SQL Server: install your own server (creating the db is really easy) or use our Cloud version. - Fully functional multi-user environment, with centralized management, scalable to the infinite and beyond. - File tracking: you can move/rename/delete files in Explorer without losing the tagging (working only on Windows Vista, 7 and [...]

                  March 2012

                  Tabbles API and Outlook Plugin (beta)

                  By |2012-03-02T19:37:11+01:00March 2nd, 2012|English|

                  HELLO WORLD, It's with quite some excitement (!!!) that we're releasing a new version (2.4.9) after about one year of work! In this version you'll mostly see: - Our API System: it will allow everyone out there to develop plugins for Tabbles! We're working on the documentation for it, check back soon... - Our first plugin, the Tabbles-Outlook plugin, which [...]

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