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I’ve always been a fan of the global search box for it’s speed, but with the simple inclusion of a comma (for AND file searching) I now worship it. It also works as an OR operator for the tabbles BTW which is incredibly useful to boil down an idea right from the search box. Type in partial names of tabbles (EX: tabb, quic) highlight the tabbles, right click and combine! Perhaps Maurizio can add the "Enter" key to combine/open tabbles? (would be very handy)

I agree^^
This ist really cool. Also the possibility to exclude by using "-" sign
I would have only one question.

I have a lot of tabbles called "ABC" and "ABC-XX" for example
When I search for "AB" both appear, but I can’t exclude "ABC-XX" by writing "AB, -XX"
Is it possible to fix this? Does it make sense?