Home Forums General discussion Why I’m interested in Tabbles

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    • Avatar photokbrunton1912
      Post count: 6

      I work in the higher education sector in the UK and have been looking at why the expense of a Mac might be justified for students with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia. A student was recently turned down for a Mac as the argument that "it’s more visually intuitive" was said to be too vague. I’ve therefore been asking dyslexic Mac users to try and explain why they prefer the system over Windows. This might help me justify the extra expense or alternatively I can introduce them to Windows alternatives.

      I’ve not had much detailed feedback so far but one thing that has come up several times is the ability to colour code files and folders in Mac OS. I’ve also seen that there are some apps being developed for tagging files and as a keen user of gmail labels and Delicious I’m interested in anything that students might be able to use along similar lines.

      So that’s a bit about my interest in Tabbles. I’ll try and post some feedback on the other bit of the forum.

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Thanks! 🙂

    • scarletpotential
      Post count: 1

      It’s help alot

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