Home Forums Feature requests Subversion client support…

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    • Avatar photostaley
      Post count: 83

      It would be great is you could add (free would even be better, hint hint ;-)) the ability to access and checkout, update and commit, etc to subversion repositories from within Tabbles. I know you mentions in an email that the team might be planning on increased Explorer integration and if their is any way to hook into TortoiseSVN… it might work great. Since TortoiseSVN, if you were already aware, is a Windows Explorer Integrated Subversion Client. 🙂

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Another VERY good point, with a good hint.

      We’re about to release a "business" version of Tabbles and a "student" one. For the first one (and maybe the second as well) we’re aiming to have a document versioning system( which we hope to develop sometime in Q4 2009).

      Anyway we initially discarded the possibility of a sub-versioning: we thought that getting into files and comparing them would be a mess. Now, we’re not too keen in interfacing Tabbles with an external app at this time (as we prefer to develop the thing ourselves and hold all the rights to sell it), but we’ll definitely have a look at Tortoise.

      One thing: Tabbles is born as a tool for the average office-job guy. We ended up with a database interfacing and visualization tool. We already had a couple of suggestions about "plugins for this or that software"… we may definitely look into that at some point! 🙂

      Thanks for the good hint!


    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      Andrew, please note that we plan for Tabbles to display the same context menus as Explorer. That is, you will right-click a file and see the same context-menu that you see in Explorer.

      So, if Tortoise is integrated with Explorer, it will automatically be integrated in Tabbles too.

    • Avatar photostaley
      Post count: 83

      Cool… then the question will be… well there be a way to disable internal version control if an external one through the Windows Explorer context menu is going to be supported in the future.

    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      I don’t think I got your question. Sorry. 🙄

      Anyway, version 1.0.21 is just out, with a first implementation of the explorer context-menu. You should also see TortoiseSVN’s context-menu among others.

    • Avatar photostaley
      Post count: 83

      Sorry… I just was wondering once a versioning system is featured in Tabbles… can the user simply ignore it… or better… hide it if they use a third party tool.

      Oh and I tested it last night and Tortoise does indeed show up when on an Tabbles that has a svn meta checkout structure. It doesn’t however show up if the folder or item isn’t in an Explorer folder that is a working copy from a subversion repository.

      This is the normal Windows Explorer Contextual Menu when clicked on a item that’s not a subversion working copy (It’s contents haven’t been checked of a subversion repository)…

      This is the Windows Explorer Contextual Menu when called on an item that is a subversion working copy…

      In Tabbles it looks like this for an item that is a subversion working copy…

      And in Tabbles that isn’t… notice the missing subversion options that the native Windows Explorer has and Tabbles’s Explorer window doesn’t.

    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      Thank you, we will investigate about that.

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