Home Forums Feature requests stop the balloons!

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    • Avatar photomkayi
      Post count: 31


      I would love to have a toggle to switch off the pop up windows for a while.


    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Hello there!

      do you know that you can configure the auto-tagging rules in order to show the balloon or not?
      Whenever you see a balloon, try and click on "edit this rule" and then uncheck the "show a pop-up which allows one-click tagging".

      Did you know this already? If not, what kind of solution would you have in mind?

      Thanks, 🙂


    • Avatar photonefycee
      Post count: 143

      I think he want’s sth like my "no-popup-when-in-full-screen-mode" function request

      An easy option to turn them all temporary off

    • Avatar photoDrTeeth
      Post count: 57

      "Andrea" wrote: Hello there!

      do you know that you can configure the auto-tagging rules in order to show the balloon or not?
      Whenever you see a balloon, try and click on "edit this rule" and then uncheck the "show a pop-up which allows one-click tagging".

      Did you know this already? If not, what kind of solution would you have in mind?

      Thanks, 🙂


      They are useful. How about being able to configure for how long they appear?

      I’d just like to kill the one that tells me Tabbles has started when I boot up.



      PS Just posted something similar in the ‘general’ forum.

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      "DrTeeth" wrote:

      Hello there!

      They are useful. How about being able to configure for how long they appear?

      I’d just like to kill the one that tells me Tabbles has started when I boot up.

      Makes sense… I forwarded this to Maurizio.

      P.S.: I love your signature :mrgreen:

    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      "mkayi" wrote: Hey,

      I would love to have a toggle to switch off the pop up windows for a while.

      Ok, a toggle from the options menu is easy to do. I’ll try to put it in the next version.

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