Home Forums Help needed Sort AutoTagging Rule

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    • Avatar photoa1d254_6
      Post count: 18

      How do I sort the auto-tagging rules??? Having more and more rules, I would like to sort by the name to find them later quickly.

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Hi there,

      we have no sorting for the auto-tagging rules unfortunately.

      Just curious: how many rules do you have?



    • Avatar photoa1d254_6
      Post count: 18

      Thank you for the reply.  I have dozens; my own personal little ai.

      I have many many tags which are necessary.  When I first started using Tabbles I asked you about BATCH tagging.  At that time, you had suggested to me to just tag every file created with a “TAG LATER”. And so I did.  But as the flow of documents goes, it is time consuming to go back and assign tags to files at a later date. And until they are tagged I cannot locate them making the program useless.

      Then, I started using the pop-ups instead to tag files “real-time”…but this is incredibly tedious and breaks the document flow with the interruptions and if I miss the pop-up then no tag making the program useless!

      Auto-tag was the way to go. So, as I started learning how to create successful auto-tagging rules with boolean type connectors, it made sense to just have auto-tagging rules to do the work for me; my own personal ai.  Works great except that as my auto-tagging rules list grows longer….when I want to copy or modify one (as they are not sorted) I have to scroll through the entire list looking for a particular rule every time.

      Being able to sort by name of the rule just makes sense for me….hence my original question.

      Right now I’m putting tags in the file names and using a lightning fast search engine which allows me to save searches.  It’s not perfect but it works as a Tabbles substitute.

      Any ideas if basic sorting will be added to the aut-tagging rule names any time soon?

    • Avatar photoa1d254_6
      Post count: 18

      Generally – I think it would be beneficial in the autotagging rules:

      1. Ability to sort the auto-tagging rules based on name or date created; and
      2. Make it easier to create boolean rules, i.e. using “OR” and “AND”, in the field for ‘AND THE FILE PATH MATCHES THE REGULAR EXPRESSION’ instead of the regular expression.
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