Home Forums Help needed regular expression request


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    • Avatar photonefycee
      Post count: 143

      I search an expression for my folders named named after date

      23-04-2010 or Name_23-04-2010 or 23-10-2010_Name

      Now I want a regex for the tabble "april" and it should only match these three kinds of folders 😕

    • Avatar photoJfw
      Post count: 36

      Well I am not an expert in reg ex.
      But I would set soming like
      (anything followed by 2 numbers with exact expression "-04-" followed by 4 numbers followed by anything) or (anything followed by 4 numbers with exact expression "-04-" followed by 2 numbers followed by anything)

      my tentative:

      Not sure this makes sence.
      Note: this is my first tentative for a regex expressoion 😯


    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Hello guys!

      We’ve just spent a week of "forced holidays"…we were both extremely burned-out 🙂
      Anyway, back to your question, you may want to check this link: http://www.regular-expressions.info/dates.html.

      The idea is that you should create a rule for each month and each year where you tell Tabbles: "whatever day, whatever year and the month of April -> put it in the tabble "April". So,

      .*[0-2][0-9].*|.*3[0-1].* = whatever day, followed or preceded by anything
      .*2000|2001|2002|2003|2004|2005|2006|2007|2008|2009|2010|.* = whatever year from 2000 to 2010, followed or preceded by anything

      .* = zero or more of any character
      . = any character, only once (it works with the "-" that nefycee needs)

      So, in nefycee’s example 23-04-2010 or Name_23-04-2010 or 23-10-2010_Name the expression for april may look like:


      That should work! Any volunteer to try this out? 😀

    • Avatar photoKaptK
      Post count: 22

      I haven’t tested this yet in Tabbles but have run it through the tool Espresso which is good for testing regex.


      It is matching 2 digits then the -04- for April and finally 4 digits for the year. Should work for you as i don’t think error checking needs to be done on the day/year part of the match.

      Sorry i just reread what you were after and i see i should tweak this some more.


      😀 Hope it works in Tabbles as it’s going fine in Espresso. I have to go Zzzz so will test it when i wake up in Tabbles.

    • Avatar photonefycee
      Post count: 143

      "KaptK" wrote:


      This one works, thanks! 😀

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Cool! :mrgreen:

    • Avatar photoKaptK
      Post count: 22

      "nefycee" wrote:


      This one works, thanks! 😀

      Great! You will find that it matches Name_27-04-10_Name too but i hope that won’t matter 😉

    • Avatar photoasimetron
      Post count: 1

      I will be very grateful if someone can explain to me or create a regular expression, that reads the metadata of the author field in the word documents, so that I can label them by authors, subject, content, state, comment, episode, etc.

      The author is the one that interests me most.
      Thank you so much.

      • Andrea
        Post count: 963

        Hi there,

        I really don’t know how to do that, nor I know if it’s possible at all.

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