Home Forums Help needed Is there any way to mass delete tabbles?

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    • Phorrest Nightshade
      Post count: 1

      I used tabbles to tag a bunch of files that I no longer am using, so the tags I was using are now irrelevant to my needs and I want to delete them, but deleting roughly 300 tags one by one is..annoying to say the least, especially with that dialogue box I have to click every single time and then having to wait for tabbles to reload. I need a faster way to delete all these tags. Is there any way to do that?

    • Maurizio
      Post count: 100

      Hi, there is a way but it is very hidden. Open the quick-open-tag dialog, from the menu or with alt+c.

      select more than one tag.

      instead of pressing the “open” button , click the little arrow to the right. select “delete”.

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