Home Forums Help needed Errors with creating the first super user (Tabbles LAN over AWS MSSQL)


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    • Shahab Qamar
      Post count: 3


      I am getting errors when following the “Create database” step within the Tabbles LAN tab.  The error log contains the following:

      6:16:04 PM:39 Sql Error: 6:16:04 PM: creating-db-part-2 – exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException number 15247 , state 1 – User does not have permission to perform this action.
      ALTER DATABASE statement failed. 5.9.3 4/28/2021

      6:16:05 PM:83 Sql Error: 6:16:05 PM: creating-db-part-2 – exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException number 15247 , state 1 – User does not have permission to perform this action.
      ALTER DATABASE statement failed. 5.9.3 4/28/2021

      6:16:07 PM:27 Sql Error: 6:16:07 PM: creating-db-part-2 – exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException number 15247 , state 1 – User does not have permission to perform this action.
      ALTER DATABASE statement failed. 5.9.3 4/28/2021

      Looking directly at the DB server, I can see that the tabbles DB gets created OK but its the creation of the SQL server login with restricted permissions thats failing.

      I have also attempted to Create the superuser manually but its receiving the following error:

      Login failed for user tabbles4
      SQL Exception Number = 18456, state = 1

      My MSSQL server is hosted on AWS RDS: https://aws.amazon.com/rds/sqlserver/ and I am using the DB master user/pass to authenticate. Would appreciate help with identifying the cause of this problem.


      • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Shahab Qamar.
    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Hi Shahab,

      we don’t really have experience with this. We had issues a few years back to install Tabbles Database on an MSSQL server in Azure, because of some SQL statements were not supported.

      We think that we could try is, to create a database on a regular MSSQL (we can do it for you) do a backup and then restore it in Azure. Could this work for you?

    • Shahab Qamar
      Post count: 3

      Hi Andrea, thanks for getting back.

      I have a local instance of MSSQL DB running. I will try exporting/restoring in our AWS RDS and see how I go. Will report back my findings.

    • Shahab Qamar
      Post count: 3

      Hi Andrea,

      Hope you are well. I have an update on the Tabbles LAN setup. Instead of AWS, I went for Azure SQL Server as it has better compatibility with Microsoft.

      I setup SQL Server Management Studio on a local Windows machine and then had Tabbles create a DB and super user on it. I confirmed that Tabbles was able to login and work with the application.

      I then used the Microsoft Data Migration Assistant (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/dma/dma-overview?view=sql-server-ver15) to export the data/schemas to the SQL server/db in our Azure tenancy. Besides some warning arounds slow join statements, everything went smoothly and all tables/schemas appeared dine in Azure SQL db.

      Tabbles is now able to connect to the Azure DB however I am stuck with the same error:

      Login failed for user tabbles593
      SQL Exception Number = 18456, state = 1

      where tabbles593 is the restricted user Tabbles created during the DB setup.

      Going forward, what is your advice?

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