Home Forums Help needed Batch Rename Tags

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    • Avatar photoa1d254_6
      Post count: 18

      Is there a way to batch rename tags?

      1. Export all tag names to excel sheet from Tabbles.
      2. Manipulate data into two columns: OLD Tag Name & New Tag Name.
      3. Inport all new tag names into Tabbles.

      Something along those lines?  I have many tags that need batch renaming and right-clicking and doing each one is taking too long.  Did I miss something?





    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      No, no way to batch rename, we’re not looking to implement it.

    • Deborah Monahan
      Post count: 1

      @tomb of the mask, Unfortunately not possible.

    • se chan yang
      Post count: 1

      Tabbles lacks a native batch rename feature for tags or direct Excel export/import for renaming, but you can export the database to XML, manually edit tag names, and re-import it with caution, potentially requiring support assistance.

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