Home Forums Help needed AutoTagging: when Tabbles tag not already present


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      Post count: 18

      In using the autotagging rules, Tabbles appears to check every new version of the same file.  The result is that it is stacking tags.  I only want to check a file if NO Tabbles tags are present.


      How do I write an autotagging rule that is triggered ONLY when a Tabbles tag IS NOT already present? It is okay for now if I only check for the presence of 1 Tabbles tag, call it “To Be Tagged Later”



    • Lauren
      Post count: 2

      In using the autotagging rules, Tabbles appears to check every new version of the same file. The result is that it is stacking tags. I only want to check a file if NO Tabbles tags are present. How do I write an autotagging rule that is triggered ONLY when a Tabbles tag IS NOT already present? It is okay for now if I only check for the presence of 1 Tabbles tag, call it “To Be Tagged Later”remini apk

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