Home Forums Help needed Auto Tagging not evident inw’ file explorer

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    • GaryJ
      Post count: 2

      Hi. I’m new to Tabbles, but I think I successfully performed a series of auto-tags and the app shows the files as tagged correctly. However, when I go into Windows 11 File Explorer for the same files, properties shows empty tag values in all those files. Am I missing a step?

      Also, is there a way to copy auto-tag  rules?

      Thx, Gary, NJ

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Hi Gary,

      the tagging can not be stored in the file’s own metadata in the file system, cause Windows an NTFS don’t offer that feature.

      All the tagging is stored in Tabbles’ database.

      • GaryJ
        Post count: 2

        Thanks, wondered about that.

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