Home Forums Feature requests a few things…

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    • Avatar photomrdna
      Post count: 220

      Been using Tabbles a few weeks now and finally feel qualified enough to drop out a few ideas I’d like to see in Tabbles.

      A couple things already mentioned deserve another mention I think; Drag and drop, and Portability. I synch my files onto a thumb drive so I can pop onto any computer wherever I be and have access to them. Since I can’t install Tabbles on all these machines, taking Tabbles with me on the thumb drive seems the better option… 🙂

      Ok, on to the ideas;
      – Combine link and unlink to tabble. Maybe even put the rename function in there too. As my Tabble DB is growing and I’m adding new, or refining, categories and tabbles regularly I have found several times when having both abilities on the same screen would’ve been quite handy. Adding the rename ability would help when linking in new files as I generally rename files so I have a better idea what’s in ’em. A one-stop shop file screen.


      Got a few more thoughts, but pretty minor stuff or you’re already working on them. 🙂

      Nice stuff.

    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      Hello, welcome! Thanks for your feedback.

      First of all let me point you to the blog, where we discuss future directions, we discuss your suggestions, we consider pros and cons of features. (But I see you have discovered it already).

      Sparse replies:

      * more drag&drop is planned.

      * portability: Tabbles already works with removable devices, such as usb sticks. It even watches for moved files on the drives and updates tabbles accordingly. What else do you need?

      * combine link and unlink to tabbles. Good idea. Notice this is only possible when you have selected one file. (if you have selected two files which have different tabbles, I wouldn’t know how to fill the dialog). It was already in the TODO, but with low priority. I’m increasing it.

      * being able to reanme tabbles in the quick-open dialog? Maybe by right-clicking? Yes, that would be useful. I am adding it to the todo list.

      * Custom category arrangement: I see you have read the blog and installed the new version, so you know there are no categories anymore. The reasons are explained in this blog post. 🙂

    • Avatar photomwhite
      Post count: 29

      I have not upgraded to 1.1.5 yet, but will today, I think.

      With categories gone, I think allowing us to put tabbles in tabbles is now crucial for usuability.


    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      I think allowing us to put tabbles in tabbles is now crucial for usuability.

      Interesting. Could you explain this better? What would you need that feature for?

      in the meantime, auto-align is implemented. Watch a video here.

    • Avatar photomwhite
      Post count: 29

      Here is what I mean:

      Maybe I have Acme, XYZ Corp, and MegaInc tabbles. If I could drag those 3 tabbles into a "customers" tabble instead of tagging all the individual files, that woudl be handy. Net result would be that all the items tagged "Acme", "XYZ Corp", or "MegaInc" would now also be tagged with "customer". Yay! 😀


    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      Oh, so that’s what you mean. That is already in our TODO list with the name "tagging rules". (I call them rules because dragging a tabble T1 onto another tabble T2 is equivalent to creating a rule that says "if a file is in T1, then it must also be in T2".)

      But, if that’s what you mean, then I see no relation with the removal of categories. I mean, why did you not need such a feature when you had categories, and now you do? What is it that you could do when you had categories and you cannot do now?

    • Avatar photomwhite
      Post count: 29

      I guess it really has no correlation with the removal of categories, but the resulting discussion made me think of it. 🙂

      Glads to hear it is on the slate to be done!


    • Avatar photomrdna
      Post count: 220

      A bit of clarification on my ideas;

      In portability I’m thinking more in the order of being able to install and use if -from- the thumb drive. IE, if I use a computer that does not have Tabbles installed on it I can run it from the thumb drive.

      As to the rename function, I’d find it useful on the quick link/unlink panel. When I’m adding files to the DB I’d like to be able and rename them at the same time I’m linking them in. I was thinking along the lines of how the web link function works where the copied url already shows up in a field on the add url panel. An additional plus for this is that when I’m adding/working with files the file name is nowhere to be found on the panel so at times I find I’m scooting the panel to the side to look at the file and remind myself of the date, file type, doc type, etc.

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