Home Forums Feature requests 1st time user observation graphics overuse..

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    • Avatar photoinf2know
      Post count: 17

      Just downloaded and installed with HI probably of buying because I LOVE THE CONCEPT of what you are attempting to accomplish.
      HOWEVER, at this time I will NOT buy.
      I am viewing a table called vacation planning (my first)

      My MAJOR usability issue is the the OVERUSE of graphics.

      I had expected a more traditional "explorer" list of the files inside the table (or Tabble) but instead I see a graphic that wastes WAY to much visual space and requires the use of your sliding "size" to even view.
      MAYBE for some the graphics and ICON is desired but not me.
      I expected to see the file name, a date and size at a minimum.
      If I moved ALL of the files I wished to into your tabble, then sorting would also become a requirement.

      I would also like to be able to copy an entire folder into a tabble (Maybe I can) and then Add to the tabble

      Love your concept (About time someone did it) but NOT your implementation.
      Let me know if you alter your graphics.

      Like the "version control" Idea and have lots to say but usability comes first.
      If you would like a more detailed discussion, please fell free to connect.

    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Hello inf2know,

      thanks a lot for your feedback.

      We totally understand your point of view about the graphics: we’re aware that Tabbles looks at least different (if not strange) and of course this will cause some people to love it and some other people to hate it. Consider that what we’re trying to achieve with the interface is not easy by itself (we’re trying to show files linked to many "concepts") and that we redid the whole interface maybe ten times before getting to what you see today.

      So, even if we’re proud of what we did, we’re aware that some people might not like the interface while still being interested in the concept. Right now our goal now is to earn back the group of people who are interested in the idea but are scared away by the graphics. In order to do this we’re planning to:

      1) in the short term: integrate some of the Tabbles functionalities in windows Explorer. We’ll probably be able to integrate only very few functionalities, as most of the things we do in Tabbles simply wouldn’t fit the Explorer interface. Your opinion about what and how we should do here, would be highly appreciated!

      2) in the medium term: develop one or more alternative themes for Tabbles, which would make it look sensibly different by modifying the existing graphics (while keeping the code mostly as it is right now). Suggestions here will be welcome too!

      Again, thanks for your feedback, we hope to see more coming 🙂

      My best regards,


    • Avatar photoinf2know
      Post count: 17

      Filename ext size datestamp of mod at a minimum (would be nice if fully qualified drive:folderfile were included

      "you are now viewing…" should include # files and total size

    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      "inf2know" wrote: but instead I see a graphic that wastes WAY to much visual space

      That’s true, but are you aware that there is a compact mode for files? We provided this for exactly the reason you mention. Please let me know.

      Thanks a lot for all your suggestions, that’s the kind of feedback we need.

    • Avatar photoMaurizio
      Post count: 196

      "inf2know" wrote:
      I expected to see the file name, a date and size at a minimum.

      One problem with your request is that these informations take up space. So

      1. Would it be acceptable for you if those informations appeared in a file’s tooltip?

      2. Please note that sorting files by date is already possible. (Actually you can sort by three different dates). Given that, do you think it is still needed to see the date beside each file? Could you provide a practical scenario where this is needed, or at least greatly increases productivity?

      3. If so, what kind of date do you need? Modification date, creation date, date the file was last opened with Tabbles, date a tabble was last added to the file? Why?

      4. as for file size: would it be enough to be able to sort files by size, and then see the file size in the file’s tooltip?

      Thank you

    • Avatar photoinf2know
      Post count: 17

      Unfortunately, I am on the road and will not be able to check out what I installed on my desktop until Monday.
      If the date/size was displayed with mouse over that would probably work, but not as effective. Will check out your comments on sorting and compact viewing Monday, thanks for the quick response.

    • Avatar photoinf2know
      Post count: 17

      1. Would it be acceptable for you if those information appeared in a file’s tooltip?
      Worst case, yes, but not desired solution

      2. Please note that sorting files by date is already possible. (Actually you can sort by three different dates). Given that, do you think it is still needed to see the date beside each file? Could you provide a practical scenario where this is needed, or at least greatly increases productivity?

      Sorting the way you have implemented provides little if any value.
      Sorting on something with displaying the value is almost like not sorting.
      I need to see the date so I can see when I "created" or Accessed a file. (The date shown should be an option) ONLY 1 date (user specified) should be displayed.

      3. If so, what kind of date do you need? Modification date, creation date, date the file was last opened with Tabbles, date a tabble was last added to the file? Why?

      4. as for file size: would it be enough to be able to sort files by size, and then see the file size in the file’s tooltip?
      see # 1

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