May 2010

April 2010

Auto-tag your files using regular expressions – (new in 1.5.2)

By |2010-04-13T11:30:41+01:00April 13th, 2010|English|

HELLO WORLD (I know I should be blogging about interesting stuff... that's coming too... soon :) ) Anyway, you can now also use regular expressions to auto-tag files/folders with Tabbles... quite a feature, isn't it? You can for example use them to match all the files with a certain extension (.pdf, .doc... etc) or files with names following a certain [...]

February 2010

-> 1.4.9 – a not so minor update

By |2010-02-16T17:19:37+01:00February 16th, 2010|English|

(this is a boring post about an update - I'm working on a more interesting post about enterpreneurship and Microsoft...stay tuned) While this is a minor release, there are a couple nice things we added: --- the uninstall shortcut in the start menu (a big step for us, a small step for humanity  ) --- the "+" next to combinable tabbles, both in the body and in [...]

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