And we’re online again!
We're online again! Our server went down shortly... but now it's up and running again. We're working on a bunch of things, including a much needed website rearranging. Thanke everybody! :)
We're online again! Our server went down shortly... but now it's up and running again. We're working on a bunch of things, including a much needed website rearranging. Thanke everybody! :)
An EPIC FAIL outsourcing story: how to hire the wrong person and waste a lot of time on him. An EPIC FAIL outsourcing story: how to hire the wrong person and waste a lot of time on him. An EPIC FAIL outsourcing story: how to hire the wrong person and waste a lot of time on him.
HELLO WORLD! we've just converted our forum to bbpress! PHPbb was too painful to maintain. The new forum address is: P.S.: we're developing, and we'll release some cool new stuff soon - stay tuned! :-) Andrea
Tabbles 2.0 is out: tabbles-sharing and free-for-personal-use version released.
Tabbles and Powerfolder partner to offer a revolutionary solution to tag and share your files in the Cloud.
Tabbles search box: closer to a real desktop search tool. The search box works now fine and it does more than you would expect from a search tool.
Tabbles is getting closer to a Desktop Search tool introducing the "Quick-open tabbles" window opened by pressing "Alt + C". True coolness.
How today's business is all about building tribes and crowdsourcing.
Programming tutorial on F#: why it adapts to the way we think, part 2
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