Home Forums Feature requests Not a request but an idea

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    • KaptK
      Post count: 22

      Wasn’t sure where to put this so here goes 🙂

      I keep meaning to work out good ways to use this Growl for Windows : http://www.growlforwindows.com/gfw/default.aspx

      On my iphone i have 2 apps where you can forward events to it so i will start using these in some of my future projects to let people know when events have occurred.

      With shared tabbles, i thought it might be cool to be able tag a file as important so that when it appears in the shared tabble then an event would occur to let the other person that this file in there. So maybe you could add for this, run an application on command line option (so i can use it with growl etc) / email user with the file name.

      A good scenario would be that someone is waiting for a file to appear from a colleague. The other person when finished on this file could tag it "Important", place it the shared tabble, Tabbles would alert the person waiting for this 🙂

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