November 2009

1.2.0 is out…and how to get feedback from your users – quickly!

By |2009-11-06T15:36:00+01:00November 6th, 2009|English|

Ladies and gentlemen, the 1.2.0 is out...the change-log itself looks scary :-D But of course we're not sleeping: the 1.2.1 beta1 is already available in the forum, featuring the long awaited Auto-categorization rules.Something useful now: how to get feedback from a trial We're fans of the excellent a smart bear blog, and we got inspiration from this article about getting [...]

September 2009

Tabbles 1.1.6 with auto-align available

By |2009-09-25T15:46:00+01:00September 25th, 2009|English|

A new version of Tabbles (1.1.6) is available. You can download it at our web site.Here are the changes:Due to popular request, a tabble alignment feature was added. You can choose two alignment modes: auto-alignment, where tabbles are aligned automatically after each drag; and manual alignment, where tabbles are aligned when you press ALT+q.Auto-alignment is enabled by default. You can [...]

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