January 2018

Add searchable comments to files, in a chat-like fashion

By |2018-08-09T09:28:01+01:00January 19th, 2018|Uncategorized|

You can finally add comments to files! We're releasing a new build, just 3 days after the first one, instead of the "couple of weeks" we previously mentioned... cause who needs to sleep anyway? :D We're so eager to release this build as it contains one of those feature we've been asked for since day one: the possibility to add [...]

August 2014

We are out of beta!

By |2017-11-17T21:10:31+01:00August 19th, 2014|Uncategorized|

We are glad to announce that, with the release of version 3.0.44, we are officially no longer in "beta". We think we have achieved good stability at this point, and the few bug reports seem to confirm that. There are a few open issues, as with any software, but they are rare and not serious (and they only happen on [...]

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February 2014

Tabbles 3 Beta is out

By |2017-11-17T20:35:48+01:00February 20th, 2014|English|

Preliminary new feature list: - Tabbles now uses Microsoft SQL Server: install your own server (creating the db is really easy) or use our Cloud version. - Fully functional multi-user environment, with centralized management, scalable to the infinite and beyond. - File tracking: you can move/rename/delete files in Explorer without losing the tagging (working only on Windows Vista, 7 and [...]

February 2011

Quatschen mit Outlook

By |2011-02-23T22:11:43+01:00February 23rd, 2011|Deutsch|

Tabbles unterhält sich mit Outlook und so langsam verstehen sich die beiden. Im Moment einigen sie sich auf eine gemeinsame Sprache um in Zukunft miteinander zu kommunizieren... und die Welt hält den Atem an bei den ersten nicht ganz so geheimen Screenshots aus dem Beta Labor Die API Entwicklung schreitet voran. Mal sehen mit wem und was Tabbles noch so [...]

July 2010

June 2010

Divide et impera – Teile und herrsche

By |2010-06-25T12:39:52+01:00June 25th, 2010|Deutsch|

Und wieder ist ein kleiner Schritt gemacht auf dem Weg zum DMS der Zukunft! Shared Tabbles ist in aller Tabbleros Munde. Einige Auserwählte, erhielten heute Nacht eine Email mit einem Download Link zur Beta 1.5.4 â?? Shared-tabbles private beta. Die kleine unscheinbare Vier birgt nun hier das groÜe Geheimnis. Die Magie zwei Datenbanken zusammen zu führen - Informationen zu teilen [...]

February 2010

January 2010

1.4.5 beta1 -> beta2 -> beta3 ->RC1: the biggest release we did in a while

By |2010-01-15T20:51:00+01:00January 15th, 2010|English|

HELLO WORLD, If you thought that Tabbles is complicated to use, this release should make you change your mind. Now it really looks like Windows Explorer Evolved :-D Check the whole story on our forum or download the beta here. A little teaser (1.4.5 beta1): 1.4.5 beta2 --->Ooops, we did it again! Check our forum or download the beta here. One more [...]

December 2009

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