Home Forums Help needed Tag Heirarchy and Only IF

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      Post count: 18


      1. Auto Tag Rule Hierarchy

      Is there a way, like in MS OUTLOOK rules, to assign an heirarchy to auto-taggin rules or STOP processing auto-tagging rules?


      File created: “HELLO.doc”

      AutoTag Rule 1.  if file is created that has “HELLO” in the file name then do X and then stop processing any more rules.

      AutoTag Rule 2. Tag all files “green”

      Result: AutoTag Rule 1 is applied but NOT AutoTag Rule 2.


      2. How do I only apply auto-tagging rules to files that DO NOT already have a Tabbles tag.  I am seeing a problem with versions? where I will save a file (already tagged with Tabbles) and the Tabbles popup will show that the autotagging rules have been applied and I have to go in an manually untag.  Very frustrating.


      Thanks for your help!!!




    • Andrea
      Post count: 963

      Hi there,

      not really, you can only start all the rules at once. But interesting feature request, we’re noting it.

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