Home Forums Feature requests Small suggestions about the user interface

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    • Hamza Bennani Smires
      Post count: 7

      Hello, I just found out about Tabbles, and the features clearly beat the competition.

      My only complaint would be the interface that feels a bit.. clunky or not smooth or whatever you want to call it, in terms of the browsing experience.

      For someone who will spend countless hours browsing, why not have the ability to directly type in tags in the central bar instead of the tiny top-right search bar? When you have hundreds of tags, it’s easier to just type them on the fly instead of browsing sing the left panel.

      When typing tags using the top right search bar, they do not appear in the central bar, we just see “tagged”. I need to quickly have visual feedback about what tags are attached to the current search results.

      And maybe make that central bar a bit bigger in terms of height (or resizable). There’s so much screen space available.

      In the “ultra-compact” view, it could be nice to have a zoom feature with a mouse wheel to make the list bigger


      Anyway, just my two cents. Thanks for the software



    • Hamza Bennani Smires
      Post count: 7

      another question : can we apply parents tags to all children files ?


      Can we have “OR” in filename condition ?

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