Home Forums General discussion Some questions about the EULA ("Tabbles Home" license) Reply To: Some questions about the EULA ("Tabbles Home" license)

Post count: 21


Thanks for the clarification.

In our case, we would use Tabbles with a personal purpose only. Some files are linked to work, but still private, such as pay slips. Those files would be managed by Tabbles (part of our private admin docs).

So just to be sure: if I want to share tabbles with one family member on the same PC (set up as 2 different windows users), I will need to purchase 2 Tabbles Home licenses.

Then, install Tabbles on the PC and register both Home licenses on the Tabbles installation.

This setup will allow to share tabbles bidirectionally between both users (defined and shared by either users).

Should both family members login from different PCs on the same LAN, files and tabbles can still be shared.

In this case, and given the discount, it makes sense to purchase the Home license 3-pack.

Thanks again,
