Erfahrungsberichte unserer BenutzerErfahren sie wie andere Tabbles nutzen um sich ihren Alltag ein wenig zu erleichtern indem sie ihre Dokumente und Dateien mit Tabbles verwalten. Wir haben diese Leute nicht dafür bezahlt 🙂 Fotograf – Übersetzter – Schriftsteller – Akademiker – Radiologe – Designer – Entwicker
Fotograf: David A. Gilmour  | | David describes how got his 100k+ photos organized, and how he quickly prepared his entry to a contest: “…Tabbles spared me the chore of having to locate and dig through scores of folders to find my candidates. Instead, I simply thought about what kinds of images that I wanted to enter into the competition, described them to the Tabbles application in terms of the image tags that I had created, and those virtual folders were instantly created for me to look through.” Read the full story on his blog. |
Übersetzer: Reed D. James  | | Reed tells about the need to finding information, the limits of folder structures and how Tabbles overcomes it: “…We can tag a Mexican legal translation as a document, a translation, law, Mexican, assigned in the year 2010, a translation over 1000 words, and the list goes on. We can also put different file types that encompass different categories yet share common theme into one tabble. This means that you can group a translation website with a legal glossary with a client’s e-mail address with an image of an official seal…” Read the full story on his blog |
Schriftsteller: Murat Kayi (German article)  | | Murat tells about the need to find documents that cross-linked to several concepts, and how the “Combine” function solves it: “…Im Ordner für meine Texte befinden sich rund 650 Dateien in zahllosen Unterordnern. Viele Texte dienen vielerlei Zwecken. Ein Text kann zum Beispiel für eine Lesung gedacht sein und als Kurzgeschichte konzipiert sein. Vielleicht ging der Text auch noch zusätzlich zu einer Redaktion….” Read the full story on his blog |
PhD Student: Chris (cpc06)  | | Chris has a bunch of publications cross-linked to many concepts, plus he needs all his files sync’ed on 2 computers: “…Windows Explorer was really hampering my work, since many academic references discuss subjects relevant to different aspects of my research, so it was a nightmare remembering in which folder I had put them and avoiding having duplicates all over the place. Tabbles has sorted this completely now!….” Read the full story on our forum. From our blog: howto organize files and get them sync’ed |
Radiologe: Ed Peramaki  | | Ed has a list of diagnosis, logically cross-linked to disease and publications, a hierarchical structure + search won’t work here: “…Many of these diagnoses affect a whole bunch of body systems or present in many different ways, so the disease tags can show up in dozens of lists. Then I tagged and sorted all my reference papers with the same system. […]As you might imagine, the associations are quite complex and with about 400 files I have thousands of tags and links…..” Read the full story on our forum. |
Designer: drjolie  | | Jo has thousands files of different kinds, cross-linked to different projects/subjects/whatever: “…With my compulsion for organization, I was a sucker for Tabbles the minute I heard about it. Once I saw the eye candy, it was no contest. As a graphic designer, I have a zillion graphics, tubes, fonts, filters, plugins, masks, brushes …. “ Read the full story on our forum. |
Software Entwickler: Derek from  | | Derek is a software developer and uses Tabbles to manage all his project related files: “I write software and as such also read a fair number of articles and coding examples on the web. I download plenty utilities and software tools and components that I either just want to check out or that are central to what I do. Now when I download files, find interesting pages on the web or of course create documents, invoices etc. for different projects and clients I am able to tag them and organise them in ways that were impossible before Tabbles, all the while still keeping the files in the native file system. Then of course there is the auto tagging of files based on file name matching and other criteria. I am still getting things up and running and re training my brain so as to properly leverage what Tabbles brings but already it is useful. I am yet to checkout Tabbles on cloud storage but once time permits I want to start looking at how I might be able to leverage this with documents and workflow I share with clients. We got this one per email, his site is here: 🙂 |
- Professional photographer – David Gilmour