September 2009

Scalable tabbles

By |2009-09-24T04:33:00+01:00September 24th, 2009|English|

Last night (well, five hours ago :P) I said that today I would have added an auto-align feature and a snap-to-grid feature. I still want to do it (if Andrea and Irma approve it), but I realized there's a complication.We are planning to make tabbles scale automatically according to the number of files they contain. (Think of an ordinary tag [...]

Ain’t my desktop pretty?

By |2009-09-23T21:54:00+01:00September 23rd, 2009|English|

Judge for yourself if my Tabbles desktop is pretty :)(click picture to enlarge)Of course I have many more tabbles, but I have hidden them from the ground floor. (I open the hidden tabbles with ALT+c). In general, I only use the ground floor for tabbles that I want to click for first; later I use the "suggested tabbles" panel, from [...]

Less is more – why categories were a bad idea

By |2009-09-23T20:20:00+01:00September 23rd, 2009|English|

I took a tough decision today: I made a major simplification to Tabbles, which will hopefully make it easier to understand and learn, but which required me to delete many lines of code in which I had invested a lot of time. (I think I deleted about 2 months of code).The feature which is gone are "categories" (aka "tabble groups"), [...]

Future directions for Tabbles – the most pressing dilemmas

By |2009-09-22T09:56:00+01:00September 22nd, 2009|English|

Hello there, dear users! I am Maurizio, Tabbles' developer (yes, the only one so far. Hopefully this is going to change :)). After 10 months of development, I think Tabbles is now stable enough for me to be able to spend some time writing. Yes, there are bugs, and there will always be. But overall, I think I can afford [...]


By |2009-09-21T22:08:00+01:00September 21st, 2009|English|

...20 GOTO 10RUNThis is as far as I got with my programming skills... Andrea speaking here: co-founder of Yellow blue soft (the guys behind Tabbles).Thank god my partner Maurizio went a bit further than that. He once told me that he knows 20 programming languages: he likes sitting with a nice programming language manual and drinking long coffe, he finds [...]

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